HSK 7-9 PART-3 (3000-5700) VOCABULARY

                                  HSK 7-9 PART-3 (3000-5700) VOCABULARY 

Chinese Pinyin Definition

年限 nián xiàn age limit; fixed number of years

年薪 nián xīn annual salary

年夜饭 nián yè fàn New Year's Eve family dinner

年终 nián zhōng end of the year

nián sticky; glutinous; (Tw) to adhere; to stick on; to glue

念念不忘 niàn niàn bù wàng to keep in mind constantly (idiom)

念书 niàn shū to read; to study

念头 niàn tou thought; idea; intention

niáng mother; young lady; (coll.) effeminate; variant of 娘

酿造 niàng zào to brew; to make (wine, vinegar, soybean paste etc) by fermentation

鸟巢 niǎo cháo bird's nest; nickname for Beijing 2008 Olympic stadium

尿 niào to urinate; urine; Classifiers: 泡

niē to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up; variant of 捏

níng to pinch; wring

凝固 níng gù to freeze; to solidify; to congeal; fig. with rapt attention

凝聚 níng jù to condense; to coagulate; coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets); aggregation; coherent

níng to pinch; wring

宁可 nìng kě preferably; one would prefer to...(or not to...); would rather; (would) be better to; (to pick) the lesser of two evils

宁愿 nìng yuàn would rather; better

扭曲 niǔ qū to twist; to warp; to distort

扭头 niǔ tóu to turn one's head; to turn around

扭转 niǔ zhuǎn to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable situation); (mechanics) torsion

纽带 niǔ dài tie; link; bond

纽扣 niǔ kòu button

农场 nóng chǎng farm

农历 nóng lì the traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar calendar

农民工 nóng mín gōng migrant workers

农作物 nóng zuò wù (farm) crops

浓厚 nóng hòu dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color)

浓缩 nóng suō to concentrate (a liquid); concentration; espresso coffee; abbr. for 意式浓缩咖啡

浓郁 nóng yù rich; strong; heavy (fragrance); dense; full-bodied; intense

浓重 nóng zhòng dense; thick; strong; rich (colors); heavy (aroma); deep (friendship); profound (effect)

弄虚作假 nòng xū zuò jiǎ to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery

奴隶 nú lì slave

女婿 nǚ xu daughter's husband; son-in-law

暖烘烘 nuǎn hōng hōng nice and warm; cozy; heartwarming

虐待 nüè dài to mistreat; to maltreat; to abuse; mistreatment; maltreatment

nuó to shift; to move

诺言 nuò yán promise

ò oh (interjection indicating that one has just learned sth)

殴打 ōu dǎ to beat up; to come to blows; battery (law)

呕吐 ǒu tù to vomit

to lie on one's stomach; to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc); (Tw) percent

拍板 pāi bǎn clapper-board; auctioneer's hammer; to beat time with clappers

拍卖 pāi mài to auction; auction sale; to sell at a reduced price

拍戏 pāi xì to shoot a movie

排斥 pái chì to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to repel

排放 pái fàng emission; discharge; exhaust (gas etc)

排练 pái liàn to rehearse; rehearsal

徘徊 pái huái to dither; to hesitate; to pace back and forth; by ext. to hover around; to linger

牌照 pái zhào (business) licence; vehicle licence; car registration; licence plate

派别 pài bié denomination; group; school; faction; school of thought

派遣 pài qiǎn to send (on a mission); to dispatch

luán imperial

攀升 pān shēng to clamber up; (of prices etc) to rise

pán plate; dish; tray; board; hard drive (computing); to build; to coil; to check; to examine; to transfer (property); to make over; classifier for food: dish, helping; to coil; classifier for coils of wire; classifier for games of chess

dòng (of sth) to move; to set in movement; to displace; to touch; to make use of; to stir (emotions); to alter; abbr. for 动词 , verb

盘算 pán suàn to plot; to scheme; to calculate

判处 pàn chǔ to sentence; to condemn

判定 pàn dìng to judge; to decide; judgment; determination

判决 pàn jué judgment (by a court of law); to pass judgment on; to sentence

pàn to hope for; to long for; to expect

叛逆 pàn nì to rebel; to revolt; a rebel

庞大 páng dà huge; enormous; tremendous

旁观 páng guān spectator; non-participant

pāo to throw; to toss; to fling; to cast; to abandon

抛开 pāo kāi to throw out; to get rid of

抛弃 pāo qì to abandon; to discard; to renounce; to dump (sb)

páo to dig; to excavate; (coll.) to exclude; not to count; to deduct; to subtract

跑车 pǎo chē racing bicycle; sporting bicycle; sports car; logging truck; on the job (of a train conductor)

跑道 pǎo dào athletic track; track; runway (i.e. airstrip)

跑龙套 pǎo lóng tào to play a small role

泡沫 pào mò foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble

胚胎 pēi tāi embryo

陪伴 péi bàn to accompany

陪葬 péi zàng to be buried with or next to dead person (of deceased's partner, or of funerary objects)

赔钱 péi qián to lose money; to pay for damages

佩服 pèi fú to admire

配件 pèi jiàn component; part; fitting; accessory; replacement part

配偶 pèi ǒu consort; mate; spouse

配送 pèi sòng to put together an order and deliver it (i.e. 配货 and 送货 ); to deliver (goods)

配音 pèi yīn dubbing (filmmaking)

喷泉 pēn quán fountain

抨击 pēng jī to attack (verbally or in writing)

烹调 pēng tiáo to cook; cooking

蓬勃 péng bó vigorous; flourishing; full of vitality

鹏程万里 péng chéng wàn lǐ the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles (idiom); one's future prospects are brilliant

膨胀 péng zhàng to expand; to inflate; to swell

pěng to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with both hands; to offer (esp. in cupped hands); to praise; to flatter

捧场 pěng chǎng to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge); to root for sb; to sing sb's praises; to flatter

碰钉子 pèng dīng zi to meet with a rebuff

碰巧 pèng qiǎo by chance; by coincidence; to happen to

碰上 pèng shàng to run into; to come upon; to meet

碰撞 pèng zhuàng to collide; collision

批发 pī fā wholesale; bulk trade; distribution

批判 pī pàn to criticize; critique; Classifiers: 个

披露 pī lù to reveal; to publish; to make public; to announce

to hack; to chop; to split open; (of lightning) to strike

皮带 pí dài strap; leather belt; Classifiers: 条

疲惫 pí bèi beaten; exhausted; tired

疲惫不堪 pí bèi bù kān

疲倦 pí juàn to tire; tired

疲劳 pí láo fatigue; wearily; weariness; weary


匹配 pǐ pèi to mate or marry; to match; matching; compatible

疲倦 pí juàn to tire; tired

疲劳 pí láo fatigue; wearily; weariness; weary


匹配 pǐ pèi to mate or marry; to match; matching; compatible

媲美 pì měi to match; is comparable with

僻静 pì jìng lonely; secluded

譬如 pì rú for example; for instance; such as

譬如说 pì rú shuō

片子 piān zi film; movie; film reel; phonograph record; X-ray image

偏差 piān chā bias; deviation

偏方 piān fāng folk remedy; home remedy

偏见 piān jiàn prejudice

偏僻 piān pì remote; desolate; far from the city

偏偏 piān piān (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened; (indicates that sth is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason; (indicates that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people

偏向 piān xiàng partial towards sth; to prefer; to incline; erroneous tendencies (Leftist or Revisionist deviation)

偏远 piān yuǎn remote; far from civilization

篇幅 piān fu length (of a piece of writing); space occupied on a printed page

片段 piàn duàn fragment (of speech etc); extract (from book etc); episode (of story etc)

骗人 piàn rén to cheat sb; a scam

piāo to float; to drift

piāo to float; variant of 飘

票房 piào fáng box office

piē to cast away; to fling aside

拼搏 pīn bó to struggle; to wrestle

拼命 pīn mìng to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it

贫富 pín fù poor and rich

贫穷 pín qióng poor; impoverished

频率 pín lǜ frequency

频频 pín pín repeatedly; again and again; continuously; constantly

品尝 pǐn cháng to taste a small amount; to sample

品德 pǐn dé moral character

品位 pǐn wèi rank; grade; quality; (aesthetic) taste

品行 pǐn xíng behavior; moral conduct

pìn to engage (a teacher etc); to hire; to betroth; betrothal gift; to get married (of woman)

聘任 pìn rèn to appoint (to a position); appointed

聘用 pìn yòng to employ; to hire

乒乓球 pīng pāng qiú table tennis; ping-pong; table tennis ball; Classifiers: 个

平常心 píng cháng xīn levelheadedness; calmness; equanimity

平淡 píng dàn flat; dull; ordinary; nothing special

平和 píng hé gentle; mild; moderate; placid; Pinghe county in Zhangzhou 漳州 , Fujian

平价 píng jià reasonably priced; inexpensive; to keep prices down; (currency exchange) parity

平面 píng miàn plane (flat surface); print media

平民 píng mín ordinary people; commoner; civilian

平日 píng rì ordinary day; everyday; ordinarily; usually

平息 píng xī to settle (a dispute); to quieten down; to suppress

评定 píng dìng to evaluate; to make one's judgment

评论员 píng lùn yuán

评判 píng pàn to judge (a competition); to appraise

评审 píng shěn to appraise; to evaluate; to judge

评委 píng wěi evaluation committee; judging panel; judging panel member; adjudicator; abbr. for 评选委员会委员

凭借 píng jiè to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; sth that one relies on

凭着 píng zhe

凭证 píng zhèng proof; certificate; receipt; voucher

瓶颈 píng jǐng bottleneck

萍水相逢 píng shuǐ xiāng féng strangers coming together by chance (idiom)

泼冷水 pō lěng shuǐ lit. to pour cold water on; fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm

rather; quite; considerably; oblique; inclined; slanting; Taiwan pr. [po3]; surname Po; Taiwan pr. [Po3]

迫不及待 pò bù jí dài impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get on with it

迫害 pò hài to persecute; persecution

迫使 pò shǐ to force; to compel

破案 pò àn to solve a case; shabby old table

破除 pò chú to eliminate; to do away with; to get rid of

破解 pò jiě to break (a bond, constraint etc); to explain; to unravel; to decipher; to decode; to crack (software)

破旧 pò jiù shabby

破裂 pò liè to rupture; to fracture; to break down; (linguistics) plosion

破灭 pò miè to be shattered; to be annihilated (of hope, illusions etc)

破碎 pò suì to smash to pieces; to shatter

魄力 pò lì courage; daring; boldness; resolution; drive

扑克 pū kè poker (game) (loanword); playing cards

扑面而来 pū miàn ér lái lit. sth hits one in the face; directly in one's face; sth assaults the senses; blatant (advertising); eye-catching; (a smell) assaults the nostrils

铺路 pū lù to pave (with paving stones); to lay a road; (fig.) to lay the groundwork (for sth); to give a present to sb to ensure success

菩萨 pú sà Bodhisattva (Buddhism)

朴实 pǔ shí plain; simple; guileless; down-to-earth; sincere and honest

朴素 pǔ sù plain and simple; unadorned; simple living; not frivolous

普通人 pǔ tōng rén ordinary person; private citizen; people; the person in the street

chart; list; table; register; score (music); spectrum (physics); to set to music

瀑布 pù bù waterfall

七嘴八舌 qī zuǐ bā shé lively discussion with everybody talking at once

to steep (tea)

凄凉 qī liáng desolate; desolate (place)

期盼 qī pàn hope and expectation; to anticipate; to look forward to; to await expectantly

欺骗 qī piàn to deceive; to cheat

欺诈 qī zhà to cheat

paint; lacquer; Classifiers: 道 ; to paint (furniture, walls etc)

齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts; to pull together; to work as one

其后 qí hòu next; later; after that

其间 qí jiān in between; within that interval; in the meantime

奇花异草 qí huā yì cǎo very rarely seen, unusual (idiom)

奇迹 qí jì miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel

奇特 qí tè peculiar; unusual; queer

歧视 qí shì to discriminate against; discrimination

祈祷 qí dǎo to pray; to say one's prayers; prayer

chess; chess-like game; a game of chess; Classifiers: 盘 ; variant of 棋 ; variant of 棋

棋子 qí zǐ chess piece; Classifiers: 个

旗袍 qí páo Chinese-style dress; cheongsam

旗帜 qí zhì ensign; flag

乞丐 qǐ gài beggar

乞求 qǐ qiú to beg

乞讨 qǐ tǎo to beg; to go begging

岂有此理 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous; ridiculous; absurd

启迪 qǐ dí to edify; enlightenment

启蒙 qǐ méng to instruct the young; to initiate; to awake sb from ignorance; to free sb from prejudice or superstition; primer; enlightened; the Enlightenment; Western learning from the late Qing dynasty; variant of 启蒙 ; to instruct the young

启示 qǐ shì to reveal; to enlighten; enlightenment; revelation; illumination; moral (of a story etc); lesson

起步 qǐ bù to set out; to set in motion; the start (of some activity)

起草 qǐ cǎo to make a draft; to draw up (plans)

起程 qǐ chéng to set out; to leave

起初 qǐ chū originally; at first; at the outset

起伏 qǐ fú to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs

起劲 qǐ jìn vigorously; energetically; enthusiastically

起跑线 qǐ pǎo xiàn the starting line (of a race); scratch line (in a relay race)

起源 qǐ yuán origin; to originate; to come from

气愤 qì fèn indignant; furious

气管 qì guǎn windpipe; trachea; respiratory tract; air duct; gas pipe

气馁 qì něi to be discouraged

气派 qì pài impressive; stylish; magnificent; imposing manner; dignified air

气泡 qì pào bubble; blister (in metal); (of beverages) sparkling; carbonated

气魄 qì pò spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude

气势 qì shì imposing manner; loftiness; grandeur; energetic looks; vigor

气味 qì wèi odor; scent

气息 qì xī breath; smell; odor; flavor

气质 qì zhì temperament; personality traits; manners

迄今 qì jīn so far; to date; until now

迄今为止 qì jīn wéi zhǐ so far; up to now; still (not)

契机 qì jī opportunity; turning point; juncture

契约 qì yuē agreement; contract

器材 qì cái equipment; material

器械 qì xiè apparatus; instrument; equipment; weapon

qiā to pick (flowers); to pinch; to nip; to pinch off; to clutch; (slang) to fight

to stop; to block; (computing) (coll.) slow; (loanword) card; Classifiers: 张 ,片 ; truck (from "car"); calorie (abbr. for 卡路里 ); cassette

卡子 qiǎ zi clip; hair fastener; checkpoint

洽谈 qià tán to discuss

恰到好处 qià dào hǎo chù it's just perfect; it's just right

恰恰相反 qià qià xiàng fǎn

恰巧 qià qiǎo fortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence

恰如其分 qià rú qí fèn (idiom) appropriate; apt; just right

千变万化 qiān biàn wàn huà countless changes; constant permutation

千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi jì lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means

千家万户 qiān jiā wàn hù every family (idiom)

千军万马 qiān jūn wàn mǎ magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of manpower; all the King's horses and all the King's men

千钧一发 qiān jūn yī fà a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom); imminent peril; a matter of life or death

qiān to move; to shift; to change (a position or location etc); to promote

迁就 qiān jiù to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (sth)

迁移 qiān yí to migrate; to move

牵扯 qiān chě to involve; to implicate; to be interrelated

牵挂 qiān guà to worry about; to be concerned about

牵涉 qiān shè to involve; implicated

牵头 qiān tóu to lead (an animal by the head); to take the lead; to coordinate (a combined operation); to mediate; a go-between (e.g. marriage broker)

牵制 qiān zhì to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops)

qiān lead (chemistry); old variant of 铅

谦逊 qiān xùn humble; modest; unpretentious; modesty

qiān inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc); small wood sliver; label; tag; Japanese variant of 签 ; to sign one's name; visa; variant of 签

míng name; noun (part of speech); place (e.g. among winners); famous; classifier for people

签署 qiān shǔ to sign (an agreement)

前辈 qián bèi senior; older generation; precursor

前不久 qián bù jiǔ not long ago; not long before

前赴后继 qián fù hòu jì to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)

前期 qián qī preceding period; early stage

前任 qián rèn predecessor; ex-; former; ex (spouse etc)

前所未有 qián suǒ wèi yǒu unprecedented

前台 qián tái stage; proscenium; foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.); front desk; reception desk; (computing) front-end; foreground

前无古人 qián wú gǔ rén

前夕 qián xī eve; the day before

前线 qián xiàn front line; military front; workface; cutting edge

前沿 qián yán front-line; forward position; outpost; extending ahead; frontier (of science, technology etc)

前仰后合 qián yǎng hòu hé to sway to and fro; to rock back and forth

前者 qián zhě the former

虔诚 qián chéng pious; devout; sincere

钱财 qián cái wealth; money

钳子 qián zi pliers; pincers; tongs; forceps; vise; clamp; claw (of a crab etc); Classifiers: 把 ; (dialect) earring

潜能 qián néng potential; hidden capability

潜水 qián shuǐ to dive; to go under water; (in an online forum) to lurk

潜艇 qián tǐng submarine

潜移默化 qián yí mò huà imperceptible influence; to influence secretly

潜在 qián zài hidden; potential; latent

谴责 qiǎn zé to denounce; to condemn; to criticize; condemnation; criticism

欠缺 qiàn quē to be deficient in; lapse; deficiency

欠条 qiàn tiáo IOU; certificate of indebtedness

歉意 qiàn yì apology; regret

qiāng to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way)

枪毙 qiāng bì to execute by firing squad; to shoot dead; fig. to discard; to get rid of

qiāng cavity of body; barrel (e.g. engine cylinder); compartment; tune; accent of speech

强加 qiáng jiā to impose; to force upon

强劲 qiáng jìng strong; powerful; robust

强项 qiáng xiàng key strength; strong suit; specialty

强行 qiáng xíng to do sth by force; Taiwan pr. [qiang3 xing2]

强硬 qiáng yìng tough; unyielding; hard-line

强占 qiáng zhàn to occupy by force

强制 qiáng zhì to enforce; enforcement; forcibly; compulsory

抢夺 qiǎng duó to plunder; to pillage; to forcibly take

抢劫 qiǎng jié to rob; looting

抢眼 qiǎng yǎn eye-catching

敲边鼓 qiāo biān gǔ to back sb up; to support sb in an argument; (lit. to beat nearby drum)

敲诈 qiāo zhà to rip off; to extort (money); extortion; blackmail

乔装 qiáo zhuāng to pretend; to feign; to disguise oneself

瞧不起 qiáo bù qǐ to look down upon; to hold in contempt

巧合 qiǎo hé coincidence; coincidental; to coincide

窍门 qiào mén a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing sth)

qiào to stick up; to rise on one end; to tilt

qiào to lift; to pry open; to lever open

切除 qiē chú to excise; to cut out (a tumor)

切断 qiē duàn to cut off; to sever

切割 qiē gē to cut

qiě and; moreover; yet; for the time being; to be about to; both (... and...)

secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-; abbr. for 副词 adverb; classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions

qiě and; moreover; yet; for the time being; to be about to; both (... and...)

lián to link; to join; to connect; continuously; in succession; including; (used with 也 , 都 etc) even; company (military); surname Lian

切身 qiè shēn direct; concerning oneself; personal

窃取 qiè qǔ to steal; to seize

钦佩 qīn pèi to admire; to look up to; to respect sb greatly

侵害 qīn hài to encroach on; to infringe on

侵略 qīn lüè invasion; encroachment

侵权 qīn quán to infringe the rights of; to violate; infringement

侵占 qīn zhàn to invade and occupy (territory)

亲和力 qīn hé lì (personal) warmth; approachability; accessibility; (in a product) user friendliness; (chemistry) affinity

亲近 qīn jìn intimate; to get close to

亲朋好友 qīn péng hǎo yǒu friends and family; kith and kin

亲戚 qīn qi a relative (i.e. family relation); Classifiers: 门

亲情 qīn qíng affection; family love; love, esp. within a married couple or between parents and children

亲热 qīn rè affectionate; intimate; warmhearted; to get intimate with sb

亲身 qīn shēn personal; oneself

亲生 qīn shēng one's own (child) (i.e. one's child by birth); biological (parents); birth (parents)

亲手 qīn shǒu personally; with one's own hands

亲友 qīn yǒu friends and relatives

勤工俭学 qín gōng jiǎn xué to work part time while studying; work-study program

勤快 qín kuài diligent; hardworking

勤劳 qín láo hardworking; industrious; diligent

寝室 qǐn shì bedroom; dormitory; Classifiers: 间

青春期 qīng chūn qī puberty; adolescence

青蛙 qīng wā frog; Classifiers: 只 ; (slang) ugly guy

轻而易举 qīng ér yì jǔ easy; with no difficulty

轻蔑 qīng miè to contempt; to disdain; pejorative

轻微 qīng wēi slight; light; trivial; to a small extent

轻型 qīng xíng light (machinery, aircraft etc)

倾家荡产 qīng jiā dàng chǎn to lose a family fortune (idiom)

倾诉 qīng sù to say everything (that is on one's mind)

倾听 qīng tīng to listen attentively

倾销 qīng xiāo to dump (goods, products)

倾斜 qīng xié to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt

清除 qīng chú to clear away; to eliminate; to get rid of

清脆 qīng cuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 轻脆

清单 qīng dān list of items

清淡 qīng dàn light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored); insipid; slack (sales)

清静 qīng jìng quiet; peaceful and quiet

清凉 qīng liáng cool; refreshing; (of clothing) skimpy; revealing

清明 qīng míng clear and bright; sober and calm; (of a government or administration) well ordered; Qingming or Pure Brightness, 5th of the 24 solar terms 二十四节气 5th-19th April; Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day (in early April)

清晰 qīng xī clear; distinct

清新 qīng xīn fresh and clean; Qingxin county in Qingyuan 清远 , Guangdong

清真寺 qīng zhēn sì mosque

qíng feeling; emotion; passion; situation

情报 qíng bào information; intelligence

情不自禁 qíng bù zì jīn unable to restrain emotions; cannot help

情调 qíng diào sentiment; tone and mood; taste

情怀 qíng huái feelings; mood

情结 qíng jié complex (psychology)

情侣 qíng lǚ sweethearts; lovers

情人 qíng rén lover; sweetheart

情谊 qíng yì friendship; camaraderie

情愿 qíng yuàn willingness; would rather (agree to X than Y)

请柬 qǐng jiǎn invitation card; written invitation

请帖 qǐng tiě invitation card; written invitation

庆典 qìng diǎn celebration

庆贺 qìng hè to congratulate; to celebrate

庆幸 qìng xìng to rejoice; to be glad

丘陵 qiū líng hills

囚犯 qiú fàn prisoner; convict

求婚 qiú hūn to propose marriage

求救 qiú jiù to cry for help

求学 qiú xué to seek knowledge; to study; to attend college

求医 qiú yī to seek medical treatment; to see a doctor

求证 qiú zhèng to seek proof; to seek confirmation

求助 qiú zhù to request help; to appeal (for help)

曲线 qū xiàn curve; curved line; indirect; in a roundabout way

曲折 qū zhé winding; (fig.) complicated

驱动 qū dòng to drive; to propel; drive (vehicle wheel); drive mechanism (tape or disk); device driver (computing software)

驱逐 qū zhú to expel; to deport; banishment

屈服 qū fú to surrender; to succumb; to yield; (as a transitive verb) to defeat; to prevail over

趋于 qū yú to tend towards

tune; song; Classifiers: 支

取代 qǔ dài to replace; to supersede; to supplant; (chemistry) substitution

取缔 qǔ dì to suppress; to crack down on; to prohibit

取而代之 qǔ ér dài zhī to substitute for sb; to remove and replace

取经 qǔ jīng to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures; to learn by studying another's experience

取决于 qǔ jué yú

取暖 qǔ nuǎn to warm oneself (by a fire etc)

取胜 qǔ shèng to score a victory; to prevail over one's opponents

取笑 qǔ xiào to tease; to make fun of

to take a wife; to marry (a woman)

去除 qù chú to remove; to dislodge

去处 qù chù place; destination

去向 qù xiàng the position of sth; whereabouts

趣味 qù wèi fun; interest; delight; taste; liking; preference

圈套 quān tào trap; snare; trick

圈子 quān zi circle; ring; (social) circle

权衡 quán héng to consider; to weigh (a matter); to balance (pros and cons)

权威 quán wēi authority; authoritative; power and prestige

权益 quán yì rights; interests; rights and benefits

全长 quán cháng overall length; span

全程 quán chéng the whole distance; from beginning to end

全方位 quán fāng wèi all around; omnidirectional; complete; holistic; comprehensive

全局 quán jú overall situation

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù to do at all costs; to make an all-out effort

全能 quán néng omnipotent; all-round; strong in every area

全文 quán wén entire text; full text

全心全意 quán xīn quán yì heart and soul; wholeheartedly

quán fist; boxing

拳头 quán tou fist; clenched fist; Classifiers: 个 ; competitive (product)

劝告 quàn gào to advise; to urge; to exhort; exhortation; advice; Classifiers: 席

劝说 quàn shuō to persuade; persuasion; to advise

劝阻 quàn zǔ to advise against; to dissuade

缺口 quē kǒu nick; jag; gap; shortfall

缺失 quē shī deficiency; shortcoming; hiatus

缺席 quē xí absence; absent

确切 què qiè definite; exact; precise

确信 què xìn to be convinced; to be sure; to firmly believe; to be positive that; definite news

确凿 què záo definite; conclusive; undeniable; authentic; also pr. [que4 zuo4]

确诊 què zhěn to make a definite diagnosis; confirmed (case of a specific disease)

燃放 rán fàng to light; to set off (firecrackers etc)

燃气 rán qì fuel gas (coal gas, natural gas, methane etc)

燃油 rán yóu fuel oil

rǎng to blurt out; to shout

让步 ràng bù to concede; to give in; to yield; a concession; (linguistics) concessive

ráo rich; abundant; exuberant; to add for free; to throw in as bonus; to spare; to forgive; despite; although; surname Rao

饶恕 ráo shù to forgive; to pardon; to spare

扰乱 rǎo luàn to disturb; to perturb; to harass

绕行 rào xíng detour; long way around

to provoke; to irritate; to vex; to stir up; to anger; to attract (troubles); to cause (problems)

热潮 rè cháo upsurge; popular craze

热带 rè dài the tropics; tropical

热气 rè qì steam; heat; Classifiers: 股

热气球 rè qì qiú hot air balloon

热腾腾 rè téng téng

热衷 rè zhōng to feel strongly about; to be fond of; obsession; deep commitment

人次 rén cì person-times; visits; classifier for number of people participating

人道 rén dào human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse

人格 rén gé personality; integrity; dignity

人工智能 rén gōng zhì néng artificial intelligence (AI)

人均 rén jūn per capita

人品 rén pǐn moral standing; moral quality; character; personality; appearance; looks (colloquial); bearing

人气 rén qì popularity; personality; character

人情 rén qíng human emotions; social relationship; friendship; favor; a good turn

人身 rén shēn person; personal; human body

人事 rén shì personnel; human resources; human affairs; ways of the world; (euphemism) sexuality; the facts of life

人手 rén shǒu manpower; staff; human hand

人体 rén tǐ human body

人为 rén wéi artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort

人文 rén wén humanities; human affairs; culture

人行道 rén xíng dào sidewalk

人性 rén xìng human nature; humanity; human; the totality of human attributes

人选 rén xuǎn choice of person; candidate

人缘儿 rén yuán r erhua variant of 人缘

人造 rén zào man-made; artificial; synthetic

人质 rén zhì hostage

仁慈 rén cí benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly; kindness; merciful

忍饥挨饿 rěn jī ái è starving; famished

忍耐 rěn nài to endure; to bear with; to exercise patience; to restrain oneself; patience; endurance

忍心 rěn xīn to have the heart to do sth; to steel oneself to a task

认错 rèn cuò to admit an error; to acknowledge one's mistake

认证 rèn zhèng to authenticate; to approve

认知 rèn zhī cognition; cognitive; understanding; perception; awareness; to be cognizant of; to recognize; to realize

任命 rèn mìng to appoint; (job) appointment; Classifiers: 纸

任期 rèn qī term of office; Classifiers: 届 ; tenure (entire period in office)

任人宰割 rèn rén zǎi gē to get trampled on (idiom); to be taken advantage of

任意 rèn yì any; arbitrary; at will; at random

任职 rèn zhí to hold an office or post

韧性 rèn xìng toughness

日程 rì chéng schedule; itinerary; Classifiers: 个

日复一日 rì fù yī rì day after day

日后 rì hòu sometime; someday (in the future)

日前 rì qián the other day; a few days ago

日趋 rì qū (increasing) day by day; (more critical) with every passing day; gradually

日新月异 rì xīn yuè yì daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress

日益 rì yì day by day; more and more; increasingly; more and more with each passing day

荣获 róng huò be honored with

荣幸 róng xìng honored (to have the privilege of ...)

荣誉 róng yù honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary

容光焕发 róng guāng huàn fā face glowing (idiom); looking radiant; all smiles

容量 róng liàng capacity; volume; quantitative (science)

容纳 róng nà to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions)

容忍 róng rěn to put up with; to tolerate

容许 róng xǔ to permit; to allow

容颜 róng yán mien; complexion

溶解 róng jiě to dissolve

róng to melt; to thaw; to blend; to merge; to be in harmony; old variant of 融

融化 róng huà to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse

融洽 róng qià harmonious; friendly relations; on good terms with one another

冗长 rǒng cháng long and tedious; redundant; superfluous; supernumerary; verbose (of writing)

柔和 róu hé gentle; soft

柔软 róu ruǎn soft

róu to knead; to massage; to rub

如果 rú guǒ if; in case; in the event that

shuō to speak; to say; to explain; to scold; to tell off; a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心说 heliocentric theory); variant of 说

如实 rú shí as things really are; realistic

如意 rú yì as one wants; according to one's wishes; ruyi scepter, a symbol of power and good fortune

如愿以偿 rú yuàn yǐ cháng to have one's wish fulfilled

如醉如痴 rú zuì rú chī lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom); intoxicated by sth; obsessed with; mad about sth; also written 如痴如醉

儒家 rú jiā Confucian school, founded by Confucius 孔子 (c. 372-c. 289 BC)

儒学 rú xué Confucianism

入场 rù chǎng to enter the venue for a meeting; to enter into an examination; to enter a stadium, arena etc

入场券 rù chǎng quàn admission ticket

入境 rù jìng to enter a country

入侵 rù qīn to invade

人手 rén shǒu manpower; staff; human hand

入选 rù xuǎn to be chosen; to be elected as

软弱 ruǎn ruò weak; feeble; flabby

软弱 ruǎn ruò weak; feeble; flabby

软实力 ruǎn shí lì soft power (in international relations)

瑞雪 ruì xuě timely snow

rùn to moisten; to lubricate; to embellish; moist; glossy; sleek

若干 ruò gān a certain number or amount; how many?; how much?

弱点 ruò diǎn weak point; failing

弱势 ruò shì vulnerable; weak

to let go; to cast; to let loose; to discharge; to give expression to; (coll.) to pee

撒谎 sā huǎng to tell lies

赛车 sài chē auto race; cycle race; race car

赛跑 sài pǎo race (running); to race (running)

三番五次 sān fān wǔ cì over and over again (idiom)

三角 sān jiǎo triangle

三维 sān wéi three-dimensional; 3D

散布 sàn bù to disseminate

散发 sàn fā to distribute; to emit; to issue

桑拿 sāng ná sauna (loanword)

嗓子 sǎng zi throat; voice; Classifiers: 把

丧生 sàng shēng to die; to lose one's life

骚乱 sāo luàn disturbance; riot; to create a disturbance

骚扰 sāo rǎo to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass

扫除 sǎo chú to sweep; to clean with a brush; to sweep away (often fig.)

扫描 sǎo miáo to scan

扫墓 sǎo mù to sweep a grave (and pay one's respects to the dead person)

扫兴 sǎo xìng to have one's spirits dampened; to feel disappointed

嫂子 sǎo zi (coll.) older brother's wife; sister-in-law; Classifiers: 个

僧人 sēng rén monk

杀害 shā hài to murder

杀手 shā shǒu killer; murderer; hit man; (sports) formidable player

沙龙 shā lóng salon (loanword)

沙滩 shā tān beach; sandy shore; Classifiers: 片

shā cotton yarn; muslin

刹车 shā chē to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch off; to check (bad habits); a brake

砂糖 shā táng granulated sugar

鲨鱼 shā yú shark

傻瓜 shǎ guā idiot; fool

shāi to filter; to sift; to sieve

筛选 shāi xuǎn to filter

晒太阳 shài tài yáng to be in the sun (getting warm or sunbathing etc); to put sth in the sun (e.g. to dry it)

山川 shān chuān

山顶 shān dǐng hilltop

山冈 shān gāng mound; small hill

山岭 shān lǐng mountain ridge

山路 shān lù mountain road

山寨 shān zhài fortified hill village; mountain stronghold (esp. of bandits); (fig.) knockoff (goods); counterfeit; imitation

shān to delete

删除 shān chú to delete; to cancel

煽动 shān dòng to incite; to instigate

闪烁 shǎn shuò flickering; twinkling; evasive; vague (of speech)

shàn good (virtuous); benevolent; well-disposed; good at sth; to improve or perfect

善意 shàn yì goodwill; benevolence; kindness

擅长 shàn cháng to be good at; to be expert in

擅自 shàn zì without permission

膳食 shàn shí meal

赡养 shàn yǎng to support; to provide support for; to maintain

伤残 shāng cán disabled; maimed; crippled; (of objects) damaged

伤感 shāng gǎn sad; emotional; sentimental; pathos

伤痕 shāng hén scar; bruise

伤脑筋 shāng nǎo jīn to be a real headache; to find sth a real headache; to beat one's brains

伤势 shāng shì condition of an injury

商贩 shāng fàn trader; peddler

商贾 shāng gǔ merchant

商讨 shāng tǎo to discuss; to deliberate

上报 shàng bào to report to one's superiors; to appear in the news; to reply to a letter

上场 shàng chǎng on stage; to go on stage; to take the field

上方 shàng fāng place above

上岗 shàng gǎng to take up one's post; to be given a job

上火 shàng huǒ to get angry; to suffer from excessive internal heat (TCM)

上空 shàng kōng overhead; in the sky

上流 shàng liú upper class

上期 shàng qī

上任 shàng rèn to take office; previous (incumbent); predecessor

上述 shàng shù aforementioned; above-mentioned

上司 shàng si boss; superior

上诉 shàng sù to appeal (a judicial case); appeal

上调 shàng tiáo to raise (prices); to adjust upwards

上头 shàng tóu (of alcohol) to go to one's head; (old) (of a bride-to-be) to bind one's hair into a bun; (of a prostitute) to receive a patron for the first time

上限 shàng xiàn upper bound

上旬 shàng xún first third of a month

上瘾 shàng yǐn to get into a habit; to become addicted

上映 shàng yìng to show (a movie); to screen

上游 shàng yóu upper reaches (of a river); upper level; upper echelon; upstream

shàng still; yet; to value; to esteem; surname Shang

尚未 shàng wèi not yet; still not

shāo to bring sth to sb; to deliver

烧毁 shāo huǐ to burn; to burn down

烧烤 shāo kǎo barbecue; to roast

稍后 shāo hòu in a little while; in a moment; later on

稍候 shāo hòu

稍稍 shāo shāo somewhat; a little; slightly

少不了 shǎo bu liǎo cannot do without; to be unavoidable; are bound to be many

少见 shǎo jiàn rare; not familiar (to the speaker); sth rarely experience; hard to see

少量 shǎo liàng a smidgen; a little bit; a few

少有 shǎo yǒu rare; infrequent

少林寺 shào lín sì Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks

少女 shào nǚ girl; young lady

奢侈 shē chǐ luxurious; extravagant

奢望 shē wàng an extravagant hope; to have excessive expectations

shè to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display

设定 shè dìng to set; to set up; to install; setting; preferences

设法 shè fǎ to try; to make an attempt; to think of a way (to accomplish sth)

社会主义 shè huì zhǔ yì socialism

社交 shè jiāo interaction; social contact

社论 shè lùn editorial (in a newspaper); Classifiers: 篇

社团 shè tuán association; society; group; union; club; organization

涉嫌 shè xián to be a suspect (in a crime); to be suspected of

摄氏度 shè shì dù ; °C (degrees Celsius)

谁知道 shéi zhī dào God knows...; Who would have imagined...?

申办 shēn bàn to apply for; to bid for

申报 shēn bào to report (to the authorities); to declare (to customs)

申领 shēn lǐng to apply (for license, visa etc)

伸手 shēn shǒu to reach out with one's hand; to hold out a hand; (fig.) to beg; to get involved; to meddle

伸缩 shēn suō to lengthen and shorten; flexible; adjustable; retractable; extensible; telescoping (collapsible)

伸张 shēn zhāng to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue); to promote

身不由己 shēn bù yóu jǐ without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary; not of one's own volition; in spite of oneself

身价 shēn jià social status; price of a slave; price of a person (a sportsman etc); worth; value (of stocks, valuables etc)

身躯 shēn qū body

身心 shēn xīn body and mind; mental and physical

身影 shēn yǐng silhouette; figure

身子 shēn zi body; pregnancy; health

绅士 shēn shì gentleman

深奥 shēn ào profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly

深切 shēn qiè deeply felt; heartfelt; sincere; honest

深情 shēn qíng deep emotion; deep feeling; deep love

深入人心 shēn rù rén xīn to enter deeply into people's hearts; to have a real impact on the people (idiom)

深受 shēn shòu to receive in no small measure

深思 shēn sī to ponder; to consider

深信 shēn xìn to believe firmly

深夜 shēn yè very late at night

深远 shēn yuǎn far-reaching; profound and long-lasting

神气 shén qì expression; manner; vigorous; impressive; lofty; pretentious

神圣 shén shèng divine; hallow; holy; sacred

神态 shén tài appearance; manner; bearing; deportment; look; expression; mien

神仙 shén xiān Daoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc; fig. lighthearted person

zhòu eternity; (geology) eon

审定 shěn dìng to examine sth and make a decision; to screen; to evaluate; to approve

审核 shěn hé see 审核 ; to audit; to investigate thoroughly

审美 shěn měi esthetics; appreciating the arts; taste

审判 shěn pàn a trial; to try sb

审批 shěn pī to examine and approve; to endorse

审视 shěn shì to look closely at; to examine

shèn kidney

甚至于 shèn zhì yú so much (that); even (to the extent that)

shèn to seep; to ooze; to horrify

渗透 shèn tòu (lit. and fig.) to permeate; to seep into; (of a product, idea etc) to penetrate (in a population); (of hostile forces) to infiltrate; (chemistry) osmosis

慎重 shèn zhòng cautious; careful; prudent

升温 shēng wēn to become hot; temperature rise; (fig.) to intensify; to hot up; to escalate; to get a boost

生机 shēng jī opportunity to live; to reprieve from death; life force; vitality

生理 shēng lǐ physiology

生命线 shēng mìng xiàn lifeline

生怕 shēng pà to fear; afraid; extremely nervous; for fear that; to avoid; so as not to

生平 shēng píng life (a person's whole life); in one's entire life

生前 shēng qián (of a deceased) during one's life; while living

生死 shēng sǐ life or death

生态 shēng tài ecology

生物 shēng wù organism; living creature; life form; biological; Classifiers: 个

生效 shēng xiào to take effect; to go into effect

生涯 shēng yá career; life (way in which sb lives); period of one's life

生硬 shēng yìng stiff; harsh

生育 shēng yù to bear; to give birth; to grow; to rear; to bring up (children); fertility

声称 shēng chēng to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert

声望 shēng wàng popularity; prestige

声誉 shēng yù reputation; fame

牲畜 shēng chù domesticated animals; livestock

绳子 shéng zi cord; string; rope; Classifiers: 条

省略 shěng lüè to leave out; an omission

省事 shěng shì to simplify matters; to save trouble

圣贤 shèng xián a sage; wise and holy man; virtuous ruler; Buddhist lama; wine

胜出 shèng chū

胜任 shèng rèn qualified; competent (professionally); to be up to a task

盛大 shèng dà grand; majestic; magnificent; Shanda Entertainment (PRC computer game company)

盛会 shèng huì pageant; distinguished meeting

盛开 shèng kāi blooming; in full flower

盛气凌人 shèng qì líng rén overbearing; arrogant bully

剩余 shèng yú remainder; surplus

尸体 shī tǐ dead body; corpse; carcass; Classifiers: 具

失传 shī chuán (of skills etc) to die out; lost; extinct

失控 shī kòng to go out of control

失利 shī lì to lose; to suffer defeat

失恋 shī liàn to lose one's love; to break up (in a romantic relationship); to feel jilted

失灵 shī líng out of order (of machine); not working properly; a failing (of a system)

失落 shī luò to lose (sth); to drop (sth); to feel a sense of loss; frustrated; disappointment; loss

失眠 shī mián to suffer from insomnia

失明 shī míng to lose one's eyesight; to become blind; blindness

失效 shī xiào to fail; to lose effectiveness

失业率 shī yè lǜ unemployment rate

失踪 shī zōng to be missing; to disappear; unaccounted for

师范 shī fàn teacher-training; pedagogical; normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)

师长 shī zhǎng military division level commander; teacher

师资 shī zī qualified teacher

狮子 shī zǐ Leo (star sign); Shihtzu township in Pingtung County 屏东县 , Taiwan

施工 shī gōng construction; to carry out construction or large-scale repairs

施加 shī jiā to exert (effort or pressure)

施行 shī xíng to put in place; to put into practice; to take effect

施压 shī yā to pressure

湿度 shī dù humidity level

湿润 shī rùn moist

十字路口 shí zì lù kǒu crossroads; intersection

时不时 shí bù shí from time to time

时段 shí duàn time interval; work shift; time slot; the twelve two-hour divisions of the day

时隔 shí gé separated in time (usu. followed by a quantity of time)

时好时坏 shí hǎo shí huài sometimes good, sometimes bad

时间表 shí jiān biǎo schedule; timetable

时空 shí kōng time and place; world of a particular locale and era; (physics) space-time

时髦 shí máo in vogue; fashionable

时尚 shí shàng fashion; fad; fashionable

时速 shí sù speed per hour

识别 shí bié to distinguish; to discern

实地 shí dì on-site

实话 shí huà truth

实话实说 shí huà shí shuō to tell the truth; to tell it as it is

实况 shí kuàng live (e.g. broadcast or recording); what is actually happening; scene; the real situation

实事求是 shí shì qiú shì to seek truth from facts (idiom); to be practical and realistic

实体 shí tǐ entity; substance; thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual, virtual or online existence); the real thing (as opposed to an image or model of it)

实物 shí wù material object; concrete object; original object; in kind; object for practical use; definite thing; reality; matter (physics)

实质 shí zhì substance; essence

食宿 shí sù board and lodging; room and board

食用 shí yòng food product; to use as food; edible

史无前例 shǐ wú qián lì unprecedented in history

使唤 shǐ huàn to order sb about; to use sb

使命 shǐ mìng mission; long-term task to which one devotes oneself; a calling

使者 shǐ zhě emissary; envoy

士气 shì qì morale

示威 shì wēi to demonstrate (as a protest); a demonstration; a military show of force

示意 shì yì to hint; to indicate (an idea to sb)

世代 shì dài for many generations; generation; era; age

世故 shì gù the ways of the world

世界级 shì jiè jí world-class

世袭 shì xí succession; inheritance; hereditary

市场经济 shì chǎng jīng jì market economy

势必 shì bì to be bound to; undoubtedly will

势不可当 shì bù kě dāng impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force

势头 shì tóu power; momentum; tendency; impetus; situation; the look of things

事迹 shì jì deed; past achievement; important event of the past

事态 shì tài situation; existing state of affairs

事务 shì wù (political, economic etc) affairs; work; transaction (as in a computer database)

事务所 shì wù suǒ office; firm

事项 shì xiàng matter; item

事宜 shì yí matters; arrangements

侍候 shì hòu to serve; to wait upon

试探 shì tàn to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out

试行 shì xíng to try out; to test

试用 shì yòng to try sth out; to be on probation

试用期 shì yòng qī trial period; probationary period

视察 shì chá to inspect; an investigation

视角 shì jiǎo viewpoint; angle on sth; perspective

视觉 shì jué sight; vision; visual

视力 shì lì vision; eyesight

视线 shì xiàn line of sight

视野 shì yě field of view; horizon

柿子 shì zi persimmon; Classifiers: 个

是非 shì fēi right and wrong; quarrel

适度 shì dù moderately; appropriate

适量 shì liàng appropriate amount

适时 shì shí timely; apt to the occasion; in due course

适宜 shì yí suitable; appropriate

逝世 shì shì to pass away; to die

释放 shì fàng to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge

嗜好 shì hào hobby; indulgence; habit; addiction

收复 shōu fù to recover (lost territory etc); to recapture

收据 shōu jù receipt; Classifiers: 张

收敛 shōu liǎn to dwindle; to vanish; to make vanish; to exercise restraint; to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc); to astringe; (math.) to converge

收留 shōu liú to offer shelter; to have sb in one's care

收买 shōu mǎi to purchase; to bribe

收视率 shōu shì lǜ ratings (of a TV show)

收缩 shōu suō to pull back; to shrink; to contract; (physiology) systole

收支 shōu zhī cash flow; financial balance; income and expenditure

手臂 shǒu bì arm; helper

手册 shǒu cè manual; handbook

手动 shǒu dòng manual; manually operated; manual gear-change

手脚 shǒu jiǎo hand and foot; movement of limbs; action; trick; step in a procedure (Classifiers: 道 )

手帕 shǒu pà handkerchief; Classifiers: 方

手枪 shǒu qiāng pistol; Classifiers: 把

手势 shǒu shì gesture; sign; signal

手术室 shǒu shù shì

手头 shǒu tóu on hand; at hand; one's financial situation

手腕 shǒu wàn wrist; trickery; finesse; ability; skill

手艺 shǒu yì craftmanship; workmanship; handicraft; trade

手掌 shǒu zhǎng palm

守候 shǒu hòu to wait for; to expect; to keep watch; to watch over; to nurse

守护 shǒu hù to guard; to protect

守株待兔 shǒu zhū dài tù lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom); to wait idly for opportunities; to trust to chance rather than show initiative

首创 shǒu chuàng to create; original creation; to be the first to do sth

首府 shǒu fǔ capital city of an autonomous region

shǒu head; chief; first (occasion, thing etc); classifier for poems, songs etc

to ascertain; to act on; to criticize; to pass on; classifier for batches, lots, military flights; tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)

首饰 shǒu shì jewelry; head ornament

首要 shǒu yào the most important; of chief importance

寿命 shòu mìng life span; life expectancy; lifetime (of a machine)

受过 shòu guò

受害 shòu hài to suffer damage, injury etc; damaged; injured; killed; robbed

受害人 shòu hài rén victim

受贿 shòu huì to accept a bribe

受惊 shòu jīng startled

受苦 shòu kǔ to suffer hardship

受理 shòu lǐ to accept to hear a case; to handle (a service)

受骗 shòu piàn to be cheated; to be taken in; to be hoodwinked

受益 shòu yì to benefit from; profit

授权 shòu quán to authorize

授予 shòu yǔ to award; to confer

售价 shòu jià selling price

售票 shòu piào ticket checker

书橱 shū chú bookcase

书籍 shū jí books; works

书记 shū ji secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party); clerk; scribe

书面 shū miàn in writing; written

书写 shū xiě to write

抒情 shū qíng to express emotion; lyric

枢纽 shū niǔ hub (e.g. of traffic network); hinge; pivot; fulcrum

shū a comb; to comb

梳理 shū lǐ to comb; fig. to sort out

梳子 shū zi comb; Classifiers: 把

舒畅 shū chàng happy; entirely free from worry

疏导 shū dǎo to dredge; to open up a path for; to remove obstructions; to clear the way; to enlighten; persuasion

疏忽 shū hu to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness

疏散 shū sàn to scatter; to disperse; to evacuate; scattered; to relax

疏通 shū tōng to unblock; to dredge; to clear the way; to get things flowing; to facilitate; to mediate; to lobby; to explicate (a text)

输家 shū jiā

输送 shū sòng to transport; to convey; to deliver

输血 shū xuè to transfuse blood; to give aid and support

输液 shū yè intravenous infusion; to get put on an IV

shú to redeem; to ransom

暑期 shǔ qī summer vacation time

属性 shǔ xìng attribute; property

曙光 shǔ guāng dawn; fig. the dawn of a new era

束缚 shù fù to bind; to restrict; to tie; to commit; fetters

树立 shù lì to set up; to establish

树木 shù mù tree

树梢 shù shāo the tip of a tree; treetop

树荫 shù yìn shade of a tree

树枝 shù zhī branch; twig

shù to erect; vertical; vertical stroke (in Chinese characters); variant of 竖

数额 shù é amount; sum of money; fixed number

数据库 shù jù kù database

刷新 shuā xīn to renovate; to refurbish; to refresh (computer window); to write a new page (in history); to break (a record)

shuǎ to play with; to wield; to act (cool etc); to display (a skill, one's temper etc); surname Shua

耍赖 shuǎ lài to act shamelessly; to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made a promise etc; to act dumb; to act as if sth never happened

衰减 shuāi jiǎn to weaken; to attenuate

衰竭 shuāi jié organ failure; exhaustion; prostration (medicine)

衰老 shuāi lǎo to age; to deteriorate with age; old and weak

衰弱 shuāi ruò weak; feeble

衰退 shuāi tuì to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a decline; recession (in economics)

摔跤 shuāi jiāo to trip and fall; to wrestle; wrestling (sports)

shuǎi to throw; to fling; to swing; to leave behind; to throw off; to dump (sb)

rate; frequency

shuān to tie up

shuàn to rinse; to trick; to fool sb; to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table)

双胞胎 shuāng bāo tāi twin; Classifiers: 对

双边 shuāng biān bilateral

双重 shuāng chóng double

双向 shuāng xiàng bidirectional; two-way; interactive

双赢 shuāng yíng profitable to both sides; a win-win situation

shuāng frost; white powder or cream spread over a surface; frosting; (skin) cream

爽快 shuǎng kuai refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward

水槽 shuǐ cáo sink

水稻 shuǐ dào rice; paddy; Classifiers: 株

水管 shuǐ guǎn water pipe

水壶 shuǐ hú kettle; canteen; watering can

水货 shuǐ huò smuggled goods; unauthorized goods

水晶 shuǐ jīng crystal

水利 shuǐ lì water conservancy; irrigation works

水灵灵 shuǐ líng líng see 水灵

水龙头 shuǐ lóng tóu faucet; tap

水落石出 shuǐ luò shí chū as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes to light

水面 shuǐ miàn water surface

水手 shuǐ shǒu mariner; sailor; seaman

水温 shuǐ wēn water temperature

水域 shuǐ yù waters; body of water

水源 shuǐ yuán water source; water supply; headwaters of a river

水涨船高 shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend; to develop according to the situation

水准 shuǐ zhǔn level (of achievement etc); standard; level (surveying)

税收 shuì shōu taxation

税务 shuì wù taxation services; state revenue service

睡袋 shuì dài sleeping bag

顺便 shùn biàn conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort

顺差 shùn chā (trade or budget) surplus

顺畅 shùn chàng smooth and unhindered; fluent

顺从 shùn cóng obedient; to comply; to submit; to defer

顺理成章 shùn lǐ chéng zhāng logical; only to be expected; rational and clearly structured (of text)

顺路 shùn lù by the way; while out doing sth else; conveniently

顺其自然 shùn qí zì rán to let nature take its course (idiom)

顺势 shùn shì to take advantage; to seize an opportunity; in passing; without taking extra trouble; conveniently

顺手 shùn shǒu easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy

顺心 shùn xīn happy; satisfactory

顺应 shùn yìng to comply; to conform to; in tune with; adapting to; to adjust to

顺着 shùn zhe to follow; following; along

瞬间 shùn jiān in an instant; in a flash

说白了 shuō bái le to speak frankly

说不上 shuō bu shàng to be unable to say or tell; to not be worth mentioning

说到底 shuō dào dǐ in the final analysis; in the end

说道 shuō dào to state; to say (the quoted words)

shuō to speak; to say; to explain; to scold; to tell off; a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心说 heliocentric theory); variant of 说

gān dry; clean; in vain; dried food; foster; adoptive; to ignore; to concern; to interfere; shield; stem; variant of 干 ; surname Gan; old variant of 干

jiù at once; right away; only; just (emphasis); as early as; already; as soon as; then; in that case; as many as; even if; to approach; to move towards; to undertake; to engage in; to suffer; subjected to; to accomplish; to take advantage of; to go with (of foods); with regard to; concerning

gān dry; clean; in vain; dried food; foster; adoptive; to ignore; to concern; to interfere; shield; stem; variant of 干 ; surname Gan; old variant of 干

说谎 shuō huǎng to lie; to tell an untruth

说老实话 shuō lǎo shí huà

说起 shuō qǐ to mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for

lái to come; to arrive; to come round; ever since; next

说情 shuō qíng to intercede; to plead for sb else

说闲话 shuō xián huà

说真的 shuō zhēn de

硕果 shuò guǒ major achievement; great work; triumphant success

司法 sī fǎ judicial; (administration of) justice

司空见惯 sī kōng jiàn guàn a common occurrence (idiom)

司令 sī lìng commanding officer

silk; thread; trace; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips; Classifiers: 条 ; classifier: a thread (of cloud, smoke etc), a bit, an iota, a hint (of sth) etc

丝绸 sī chóu silk cloth; silk

丝毫 sī háo the slightest amount or degree; a bit

私房钱 sī fáng qián secret purse; secret stash of money

私家车 sī jiā chē private car

私立 sī lì private (company, school etc)

私事 sī shì personal matters

私下 sī xià in private

私营 sī yíng privately-owned; private

私有 sī yǒu private; privately-owned

私自 sī zì private; personal; secretly; without explicit approval

思路 sī lù train of thought; thinking; reason; reasoning

思念 sī niàn to think of; to long for; to miss

思前想后 sī qián xiǎng hòu to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and future; to ponder over reasons and connection

思索 sī suǒ to think deeply; to ponder

to tear

死心 sǐ xīn to give up; to admit failure; to drop the matter; to reconcile oneself to loss; to have no more illusions about

死心塌地 sǐ xīn tā dì to be hell-bent on; dead set on sth; unswerving

四合院 sì hé yuàn courtyard house with a fully enclosed courtyard (type of Chinese residence)

四季 sì jì four seasons, namely: spring 春 , summer 夏 , autumn 秋 and winter 冬

四面八方 sì miàn bā fāng in all directions; all around; far and near

寺庙 sì miào temple; monastery; shrine

似曾相识 sì céng xiāng shí déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time); seemingly familiar; apparently already acquainted

似是而非 sì shì ér fēi apparently right but actually wrong; specious (idiom)

伺机 sì jī to wait for an opportunity; to watch for one's chance

饲料 sì liào feed; fodder

饲养 sì yǎng to raise; to rear

松绑 sōng bǎng to untie; (fig.) to ease restrictions

松弛 sōng chí to relax; relaxed; limp; lax

耸立 sǒng lì to stand tall; to tower aloft

送别 sòng bié to farewell

搜查 sōu chá to search

搜集 sōu jí to gather; to collect

搜救 sōu jiù search and rescue

搜寻 sōu xún to search; to look for

sōu classifier for ships; Taiwan pr. [sao1]

苏醒 sū xǐng to wake up; to regain consciousness; to come to; to awaken; to regain consciousness

flaky pastry; crunchy; limp; soft; silky

custom; convention; popular; common; coarse; vulgar; secular

俗话 sú huà common saying; proverb

俗话说 sú huà shuō as the proverb says; as they say...

俗语 sú yǔ common saying; proverb; colloquial speech

诉苦 sù kǔ to grumble; to complain; grievance

诉说 sù shuō to recount; to tell of; to relate; (fig.) (of a thing) to stand as testament to (some past history)

诉讼 sù sòng lawsuit

raw silk; white; plain, unadorned; vegetarian (food); essence; nature; element; constituent; usually; always; ever

素不相识 sù bù xiāng shí to be total strangers (idiom)

素材 sù cái source material (in literature and art)

素描 sù miáo sketch

素食 sù shí vegetables; vegetarian food

素养 sù yǎng (personal) accomplishment; attainment in self-cultivation

塑造 sù zào to model; to mold; (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc); (literature) to portray (in words)

suàn garlic; Classifiers: 头

算计 suàn ji to reckon; to calculate; to plan; to expect; to scheme

算盘 suàn pán abacus; Classifiers: 把 ; plan; scheme

算账 suàn zhàng (accounting) to balance the books; to do the accounts; (fig.) to settle an account; to get one's revenge

虽说 suī shuō though; although

随处可见 suí chù kě jiàn

随大溜 suí dà liū

随机 suí jī according to the situation; pragmatic; random

随即 suí jí immediately; presently; following which

随身 suí shēn to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with one

随时随地 suí shí suí dì anytime and anywhere

随心所欲 suí xīn suǒ yù to follow one's heart's desires; to do as one pleases (idiom)

遂心 suì xīn to one's liking

隧道 suì dào tunnel

sǔn to decrease; to lose; to damage; to harm; (coll.) to speak sarcastically; to deride; caustic; mean; one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨)

损坏 sǔn huài to damage; to injure

损人利己 sǔn rén lì jǐ harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detriment of others

损伤 sǔn shāng to harm; to damage; to injure; impairment; loss; disability

suō to withdraw; to pull back; to contract; to shrink; to reduce; abbreviation; also pr. [su4]

缩水 suō shuǐ to shrink (in the wash); fig. to shrink (of profits etc)

缩影 suō yǐng miniature version of sth; microcosm; epitome; (Tw) to microfilm

所属 suǒ shǔ one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with); subordinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself); belonging to; affiliated; under one's command

所谓 suǒ wèi so-called; what is called

所作所为 suǒ zuò suǒ wéi one's conduct and deeds

索赔 suǒ péi to ask for compensation; to claim damages; claim for damages

索取 suǒ qǔ to ask; to demand

索性 suǒ xìng you might as well (do it); simply; just

锁定 suǒ dìng to lock (a door); to close with a latch; to lock into place; a lock; a latch; to lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten); to lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection); to focus attention on; to target

他人 tā rén another; sb else; other people

to collapse; to droop; to settle down

踏上 tà shàng to set foot on; to step on or into

tāi fetus; classifier for litters (of puppies etc); padding (in clothing or bedding); womb carrying a fetus; (fig.) origin; source; (loanword) tire

胎儿 tāi ér unborn child; fetus; embryo

台球 tái qiú billiards

太极 tài jí the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some interpretations of Chinese mythology

太极拳 tài jí quán shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan; traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation; a martial art

太平 tài píng peace and security; place name

泰斗 tài dǒu (abbr. for 泰山北斗 ) distinguished figure; doyen; revered authority

tān to have a voracious desire for; to covet; greedy; corrupt

贪婪 tān lán avaricious; greedy; rapacious; insatiable; avid

贪玩儿 tān wán ér

贪污 tān wū to be corrupt; corruption; to embezzle

tān to spread out; vendor's stand

tān paralyzed

瘫痪 tān huàn paralysis; be paralyzed (body, transportation, etc)

tán platform; rostrum; altar; earthen jar

谈不上 tán bu shàng to be out of the question

谈到 tán dào to refer to; to speak about; to talk about

谈论 tán lùn to discuss; to talk about

谈起 tán qǐ

弹性 tán xìng flexibility; elasticity

tán phlegm; spittle

坦白 tǎn bái honest; forthcoming; to confess

坦诚 tǎn chéng candid; frank; plain dealing

坦克 tǎn kè tank (military vehicle) (loanword)

坦然 tǎn rán calm; undisturbed

坦率 tǎn shuài frank (discussion); blunt; open

毯子 tǎn zi blanket; Classifiers: 条

谈论 tán lùn to discuss; to talk about

谈起 tán qǐ

弹性 tán xìng flexibility; elasticity

tán phlegm; spittle

坦白 tǎn bái honest; forthcoming; to confess

坦诚 tǎn chéng candid; frank; plain dealing

坦克 tǎn kè tank (military vehicle) (loanword)

坦然 tǎn rán calm; undisturbed

坦率 tǎn shuài frank (discussion); blunt; open

毯子 tǎn zi blanket; Classifiers: 条

tàn wood charcoal; coal

tàn to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit; to stretch forward

探测 tàn cè to probe; to take readings; to explore; exploration

探亲 tàn qīn to go home to visit one's family

探求 tàn qiú to seek; to pursue; to investigate

探望 tàn wàng to visit; to call on sb; to look around

探险 tàn xiǎn to explore; to go on an expedition; adventure

tàn carbon (chemistry)

汤圆 tāng yuán boiled balls of glutinous rice flour, eaten during the Lantern Festival

táng (main) hall; large room for a specific purpose; Classifiers: 间 ; relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family; of the same clan; classifier for classes, lectures etc; classifier for sets of furniture

糖果 táng guǒ candy; Classifiers: 粒

糖尿病 táng niào bìng diabetes; diabetes mellitus

倘若 tǎng ruò provided that; supposing that; if

tǎng to drip; to trickle; to shed (tears)

tàng to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot

掏钱 tāo qián

滔滔不绝 tāo tāo bù jué unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen

逃避 táo bì to escape; to evade; to avoid; to shirk

逃生 táo shēng to flee for one's life

逃亡 táo wáng to flee; flight (from danger); fugitive

陶瓷 táo cí pottery and porcelain; ceramics

陶冶 táo yě lit. to fire pots and smelt metal; fig. to educate

陶醉 táo zuì to be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in

táo to wash; to clean out; to cleanse; to eliminate; to dredge

淘气 táo qì naughty; mischievous

淘汰 táo tài to wash out; elimination (by selection); natural selection; to knock out (in a competition); to die out; to phase out

tǎo to invite; to provoke; to demand or ask for; to send armed forces to suppress; to denounce or condemn; to marry (a woman); to discuss or study

讨好 tǎo hǎo to get the desired outcome; to win favor by fawning on sb; to curry favor with; a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor

讨价还价 tǎo jià huán jià to haggle over price; to bargain

讨人喜欢 tǎo rén xǐ huan to attract people's affection; charming; delightful

特产 tè chǎn special local product; (regional) specialty

特长 tè cháng personal strength; one's special ability or strong points

特例 tè lì special case; isolated example

特权 tè quán prerogative; privilege; privileged

特邀 tè yāo special invitation

特制 tè zhì special; unique

特质 tè zhì characteristic; special quality

téng to soar; to gallop; to prance; to turn over; to vacate; to clear

藤椅 téng yǐ rattan chair

剔除 tī chú to reject; to discard; to get rid of

梯子 tī zi ladder; stepladder

提拔 tí bá to promote to a higher job; to select for promotion

提炼 tí liàn to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process

提名 tí míng to nominate

提速 tí sù to increase the specified cruising speed; to pick up speed; to speed up

提心吊胆 tí xīn diào dǎn (saying) to be very scared and on edge

提议 tí yì proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest

提早 tí zǎo ahead of schedule; sooner than planned; to bring forward (to an earlier time)

体谅 tǐ liàng to empathize; to allow (for sth); to show understanding; to appreciate

体面 tǐ miàn dignity; face (as in "losing face"); honorable; creditable; (of sb's appearance) presentable; respectable

体能 tǐ néng physical capability; stamina

体贴 tǐ tiē considerate (of other people's needs)

体温 tǐ wēn (body) temperature

体系 tǐ xì system; setup; Classifiers: 个

体制 tǐ zhì system; organization

体质 tǐ zhì constitution

shave; to weed; to shave; variant of 剃

替换 tì huàn to exchange; to replace; to substitute for; to switch

替身 tì shēn stand-in; substitute; body double; stuntman; scapegoat; fall guy; to stand in for sb else

天长地久 tiān cháng dì jiǔ enduring while the world lasts (idiom); eternal

天地 tiān dì heaven and earth; world; scope; field of activity

天鹅 tiān é swan

天分 tiān fèn natural gift; talent

天赋 tiān fù gift; innate skill

天经地义 tiān jīng dì yì lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper; right and unalterable; a matter of course

天平 tiān píng scales (to weigh things)

天桥 tiān qiáo overhead walkway; pedestrian bridge; Tianqiao district of Jinan city 济南市 , Shandong; Tianqiao district in Beijing, formerly a center of folk culture

天生 tiān shēng nature; disposition; innate; natural

天使 tiān shǐ angel

天线 tiān xiàn antenna; mast; connection with high-ranking officials

天性 tiān xìng nature; innate tendency

天主教 tiān zhǔ jiào Catholicism

添加 tiān jiā to add; to increase

甜美 tián měi sweet; pleasant; happy

甜蜜 tián mì sweet; happy

甜头 tián tou sweet taste (of power, success etc); benefit

填补 tián bǔ to fill a gap; to fill in a blank (on a form); to overcome a deficiency

填充 tián chōng pad; padding

填写 tián xiě to fill in a form; to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)

tiǎn to lick; to lap

挑剔 tiāo ti picky; fussy

条款 tiáo kuǎn clause (of contract or law); Classifiers: 项

条例 tiáo lì regulations; rules; code of conduct; ordinances; statutes

条约 tiáo yuē treaty; pact; Classifiers: 个

调侃 tiáo kǎn to ridicule; to tease; to mock; idle talk; chitchat

调控 tiáo kòng to regulate; to control

调料 tiáo liào condiment; seasoning; flavoring

调试 tiáo shì to debug; to adjust components during testing; debugging

挑起 tiǎo qǐ to provoke; to stir up; to incite

挑衅 tiǎo xìn to provoke; provocation

跳槽 tiào cáo to change jobs; job-hopping

跳动 tiào dòng to throb; to pulse; to bounce; to jiggle; to jump about

跳伞 tiào sǎn to parachute; to bail out; parachute jumping

跳跃 tiào yuè to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip

贴近 tiē jìn to press close to; to snuggle close; intimate

贴切 tiē qiè close-fitting; closest (translation)

帖子 tiě zi card; invitation; message; (forum) post

听从 tīng cóng to listen and obey; to comply with; to heed; to hearken

听话 tīng huà to do what one is told; obedient

停泊 tíng bó to anchor; anchorage; mooring (of a ship)

停车位 tíng chē wèi

停电 tíng diàn to have a power failure; power cut

停顿 tíng dùn to halt; to break off; pause (in speech)

停放 tíng fàng to park (a car etc); to moor (a boat etc); to leave sth (in a place)

停业 tíng yè to cease trading (temporarily or permanently); to close down

通畅 tōng chàng unobstructed; clear

通车 tōng chē to open to traffic (e.g. new bridge, rail line etc); (of a locality) to have a transportation service; (Tw) to commute

通风 tōng fēng airy; ventilation; to ventilate; to disclose information

通告 tōng gào to announce; to give notice

通缉 tōng jī to order the arrest of sb as criminal; to list as wanted

通顺 tōng shùn smooth; clear and coherent

通俗 tōng sú common; everyday; average

通通 tōng tōng all; entire; complete

通往 tōng wǎng to lead to

通宵 tōng xiāo all night; throughout the night

通行证 tōng xíng zhèng a pass (authority to enter); a laissez-passer or safe conduct

同伴 tóng bàn companion; comrade; fellow

同步 tóng bù synchronous; to synchronize; to keep step with

同等 tóng děng equal to; having the same social class or status

同感 tóng gǎn (have the) same feeling; similar impression; common feeling

同伙 tóng huǒ colleague; co-conspirator; accomplice

同类 tóng lèi similar; same type; alike

同盟 tóng méng alliance

同年 tóng nián the same year

同人 tóng rén people from the same workplace or profession; co-worker; colleague; pop culture enthusiasts who create fan fiction etc

同志 tóng zhì comrade; (slang) homosexual; Classifiers: 个

同舟共济 tóng zhōu gòng jì cross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. having common interests; obliged to collaborate towards common goals

tóng copper (chemistry); see also 红铜

统筹 tǒng chóu an overall plan; to plan an entire project as a whole

统统 tǒng tǒng totally

统治 tǒng zhì to rule (a country); to govern; rule; regime

tǒng to stab; to poke; to prod; to nudge; to disclose

tǒng bucket; (trash) can; barrel (of oil etc); Classifiers: 个

tǒng tube; cylinder; to encase in sth cylindrical (such as hands in sleeves etc); variant of 筒

tòng ache; pain; sorrow; deeply; thoroughly

secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-; abbr. for 副词 adverb; classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions

痛心 tòng xīn grieved; pained

偷看 tōu kàn to peep; to peek; to steal a glance

偷窥 tōu kuī to peep; to peek; to act as voyeur

偷懒 tōu lǎn to goof off; to be lazy

头部 tóu bù head

头顶 tóu dǐng top of the head

头号 tóu hào first rate; top rank; number one

头条 tóu tiáo lead story (on the news); Toutiao, personalized content recommendation app (abbr. for 今日头条 )

头头是道 tóu tóu shì dào clear and logical

头衔 tóu xián title; rank; appellation

头晕 tóu yūn dizzy

投奔 tóu bèn to seek shelter; to seek asylum

投稿 tóu gǎo to submit articles for publication; to contribute (writing)

投机 tóu jī to speculate (on financial markets); opportunistic; congenial; agreeable

投射 tóu shè to throw (a projectile); to cast (light)

投身 tóu shēn to throw oneself into sth

投降 tóu xiáng to surrender; surrender

透彻 tòu chè penetrating; thorough; incisive

透过 tòu guò to pass through; to penetrate; by means of; via

透气 tòu qì to flow freely (of air); to ventilate; to breathe (of fabric etc); to take a breath of fresh air; to divulge

透支 tòu zhī (bank) overdraft

to stick out; protruding; convex; male (connector etc); Taiwan pr. [tu2]

凸显 tū xiǎn to present clearly; to give prominence to; to magnify; clear and obvious

bald; blunt

突发 tū fā to burst out suddenly; sudden outburst

突击 tū jī sudden and violent attack; assault; fig. rushed job; concentrated effort to finish a job quickly

突破口 tū pò kǒu

突如其来 tū rú qí lái to arise abruptly; to arrive suddenly; happening suddenly

图表 tú biǎo chart; diagram

图像 tú xiàng image; picture; graphic

图形 tú xíng picture; figure; diagram; graph; depiction; graphical

图纸 tú zhǐ blueprint; drawing; design plans; graph paper

徒步 tú bù to be on foot

to apply (paint etc); to smear; to daub; to blot out; to scribble; to scrawl; (literary) mud; street; variant of 途 ; surname Tu

屠杀 tú shā to massacre; massacre; bloodbath; carnage

土匪 tǔ fěi bandit

土壤 tǔ rǎng soil

土生土长 tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng locally born and bred; indigenous; home-grown

团伙 tuán huǒ (criminal) gang; gang member; accomplice; crony

团聚 tuán jù to reunite; to have a reunion

团员 tuán yuán member; group member

团圆 tuán yuán to have a reunion

推测 tuī cè speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate

推辞 tuī cí to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)

推断 tuī duàn to infer; to deduce; to predict; to extrapolate

推翻 tuī fān to overthrow

推荐 tuī jiàn to recommend; recommendation

推理 tuī lǐ reasoning; inference; to infer; to deduce

推敲 tuī qiāo to think over

推算 tuī suàn to calculate; to reckon; to extrapolate (in calculation)

推卸 tuī xiè to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck

推选 tuī xuǎn to elect; to choose; to nominate

推移 tuī yí (of time) to elapse or pass; (of a situation) to develop or evolve

颓废 tuí fèi decadent; dispirited; depressed; dejected

退回 tuì huí to return (an item); to send back; to go back

退却 tuì què to retreat; to shrink back

退让 tuì ràng to move aside; to get out of the way; to back down; to concede

退缩 tuì suō to shrink back; to cower

退休金 tuì xiū jīn retirement pay; pension

退学 tuì xué to quit school

退役 tuì yì to retire from the military, sport etc; to demobilize; to decommission; retired from use

tún to station (soldiers); to store up; village

托付 tuō fù to entrust

拖累 tuō lěi to encumber; to be a burden on; to implicate

拖欠 tuō qiàn in arrears; behind in payments; to default on one's debts

拖延 tuō yán to delay; to put off; to procrastinate

脱节 tuō jié to come apart

脱口而出 tuō kǒu ér chū to blurt out; to let slip (an indiscreet remark)

脱落 tuō luò to drop off; to come off; to lose (hair etc); to omit (a character when writing)

脱身 tuō shēn to get away; to escape (from obligations); to free oneself; to disengage

脱颖而出 tuō yǐng ér chū to reveal one's talent (idiom); to rise above others; to distinguish oneself

tuó to carry on one's back; variant of 驮

tuǒ suitable; adequate; ready; settled

妥当 tuǒ dang appropriate; proper; ready

妥善 tuǒ shàn appropriate; proper

妥协 tuǒ xié to compromise; to reach terms; a compromise

拓宽 tuò kuān to broaden

拓展 tuò zhǎn to expand

唾液 tuò yè saliva

挖掘 wā jué to excavate; to dig; to unearth

挖苦 wā kǔ to speak sarcastically; to make cutting remarks

roof tile; abbr. for 瓦特

wāi askew; at a crooked angle; devious; noxious; (coll.) to lie on one's side

歪曲 wāi qū to distort; to misrepresent

外表 wài biǎo external; outside; outward appearance

外公 wài gōng (coll.) mother's father; maternal grandfather

外行 wài háng layman; amateur

外号 wài hào nickname

外籍 wài jí foreign (i.e. of foreign nationality)

外贸 wài mào foreign trade

外貌 wài mào profile; appearance

外婆 wài pó (coll.) mother's mother; maternal grandmother

外企 wài qǐ foreign enterprise; company established in mainland China with direct investment from foreign entities or from investors in Taiwan, Macao or Hong Kong; abbr. for 外资企业

外星人 wài xīng rén space alien; extraterrestrial

外形 wài xíng figure; shape; external form; contour

外援 wài yuán external help; foreign aid

wán ball; pellet; pill

完备 wán bèi faultless; complete; perfect; to leave nothing to be desired

完毕 wán bì to finish; to end; to complete

完蛋 wán dàn (coll.) to be done for

完好 wán hǎo intact; in good condition

玩耍 wán shuǎ to play (as children do); to amuse oneself

玩意儿 wán yì r erhua variant of 玩意

顽固 wán gù stubborn; obstinate

wǎn to pull; to draw (a cart or a bow); to roll up; to coil; to carry on the arm; to lament the dead; (fig.) to pull against; to recover; variant of 挽 ; to draw (a cart); to lament the dead

挽回 wǎn huí to retrieve; to redeem

挽救 wǎn jiù to save; to remedy; to rescue

晚间 wǎn jiān evening; night

晚年 wǎn nián one's later years

晚期 wǎn qī later period; end stage; terminal

惋惜 wǎn xī to regret; to feel that it is a great pity; to feel sorry for sb

万分 wàn fēn very much; extremely; one ten thousandth part

万古长青 wàn gǔ cháng qīng remain fresh; last forever; eternal

万能 wàn néng omnipotent; all-purpose; universal

万万 wàn wàn absolutely; wholly

万无一失 wàn wú yī shī surefire; absolutely safe (idiom)

汪洋 wāng yáng vast body of water; Classifiers: 片

亡羊补牢 wáng yáng bǔ láo lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom); fig. to act belatedly; better late than never; to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted

王国 wáng guó kingdom; realm

王牌 wáng pái trump card

网点 wǎng diǎn node in a network; branch; website

网民 wǎng mín web user; netizen

往常 wǎng cháng usual; customary

往返 wǎng fǎn to go back and forth; to go to and fro; round trip

往日 wǎng rì former days; the past

往事 wǎng shì past events; former happenings

妄想 wàng xiǎng to attempt vainly; a vain attempt; delusion

忘不了 wàng bù liǎo cannot forget

忘掉 wàng diào to forget

wàng prosperous; flourishing; (of flowers) blooming; (of fire) roaring

旺季 wàng jì busy season; peak period; see also 淡季

旺盛 wàng shèng vigorous; exuberant

wàng full moon; to hope; to expect; to visit; to gaze (into the distance); to look towards; towards; 15th day of month (lunar calendar); old variant of 望

望远镜 wàng yuǎn jìng binoculars; telescope; Classifiers: 付

危及 wēi jí to endanger; to jeopardize; a danger (to life, national security etc)

危急 wēi jí critical; desperate (situation)

威风 wēi fēng might; awe-inspiring authority; impressive

威力 wēi lì might; formidable power

威慑 wēi shè to cower by military force; deterrence

威信 wēi xìn prestige; reputation; trust; credit with the people; Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通 , Yunnan

微不足道 wēi bù zú dào negligible; insignificant

微观 wēi guān micro-; subatomic

微妙 wēi miào subtle

微弱 wēi ruò weak; faint; feeble

微型 wēi xíng miniature; micro-; tiny

为人 wéi rén to conduct oneself; behavior; conduct; personal character

违背 wéi bèi to go against; to be contrary to; to violate

违约 wéi yuē to break a promise; to violate an agreement; to default (on a loan or contract)

违章 wéi zhāng to break the rules; to violate regulations

围墙 wéi qiáng perimeter wall; fence; Classifiers: 道

wéi -ism; only; alone

唯独 wéi dú only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except; unique

伪造 wěi zào to forge; to fake; to counterfeit

伪装 wěi zhuāng to pretend to be (asleep etc); to disguise oneself as; pretense; disguise; (military) to camouflage; camouflage

尾气 wěi qì exhaust (i.e. waste gas from engine); emissions

尾声 wěi shēng coda; epilogue; end

纬度 wěi dù latitude

委屈 wěi qu to feel wronged; to cause sb to feel wronged; grievance

委婉 wěi wǎn tactful; euphemistic; (of voice etc) suave; soft

委员 wěi yuán committee member; committee; council; Classifiers: 个

委员会 wěi yuán huì committee

萎缩 wěi suō to wither; to dry up (of a plant); to atrophy (of muscle, social custom etc)

卫视 wèi shì satellite TV (abbr. for 卫星电视 )

wèi not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210°

未成年人 wèi chéng nián rén minor (i.e. person under 18)

未经 wèi jīng not having undergone; without (having gone though a certain process)

未免 wèi miǎn unavoidably; can't help; really; rather

未知数 wèi zhī shù unknown quantity

位子 wèi zi place; seat

味精 wèi jīng monosodium glutamate (MSG)

畏惧 wèi jù to fear; to dread; foreboding

畏缩 wèi suō to cower; to flinch; to quail; to recoil

胃口 wèi kǒu appetite; liking

喂养 wèi yǎng to feed (a child, domestic animal etc); to keep; to raise (an animal)

慰劳 wèi láo to show appreciation (by kind words, small gifts etc); to comfort

温度计 wēn dù jì thermometer; thermograph

温泉 wēn quán hot spring; spa; onsen; Arishang Nahiyisi or Wenquan county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州 , Xinjiang

温柔 wēn róu gentle and soft; tender

温室 wēn shì greenhouse

温习 wēn xí to review (a lesson etc)

温馨 wēn xīn comfort; soft and fragrant; warm

瘟疫 wēn yì epidemic; plague; pestilence; diseased

wén language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67; language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67

文具 wén jù stationery; item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc)

文科 wén kē liberal arts; humanities

文盲 wén máng illiterate

文凭 wén píng diploma

文人 wén rén scholar; literati

文物 wén wù cultural relic; historical relic; Classifiers: 件

文献 wén xiàn document

文雅 wén yǎ elegant; refined

闻名 wén míng well-known; famous; renowned; eminent

蚊帐 wén zhàng mosquito net; Classifiers: 顶

蚊子 wén zi mosquito

wěn kiss; to kiss; mouth; variant of 吻

吻合 wěn hé to be a good fit; to be identical with; to adjust oneself to; to fit in

紊乱 wěn luàn disorder; chaos

稳固 wěn gù stable; steady; firm; to stabilize

稳健 wěn jiàn firm; stable and steady

稳妥 wěn tuǒ dependable

稳重 wěn zhòng steady; earnest; staid

问卷 wèn juàn questionnaire; Classifiers: 份

问世 wèn shì to be published; to come out

nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair; den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in check; to bend; classifier for litters and broods

to lie; to crouch

污秽 wū huì nasty; sordid; filthy

巫婆 wū pó witch; sorceress; female shaman

呜咽 wū yè to sob; to whimper

屋顶 wū dǐng roof; Classifiers: 个

无比 wú bǐ incomparable; matchless

无不 wú bù none lacking; none missing; everything is there; everyone without exception

无偿 wú cháng free; no charge; at no cost

无敌 wú dí unequalled; without rival; a paragon

无恶不作 wú è bù zuò not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed

无非 wú fēi only; nothing else

无辜 wú gū innocent; innocence; not guilty (law)

无故 wú gù without cause or reason

无关紧要 wú guān jǐn yào indifferent; insignificant

无话可说 wú huà kě shuō to have nothing to say (idiom)

无济于事 wú jì yú shì to no avail; of no use

无家可归 wú jiā kě guī homeless

无精打采 wú jīng dǎ cǎi dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless; in low spirits; washed out

无可奉告 wú kě fèng gào (idiom) "no comment"

无可厚非 wú kě hòu fēi see 未可厚非

无可奈何 wú kě nài hé have no way out; have no alternative; abbr. to 无奈

无理 wú lǐ irrational; unreasonable

无力 wú lì powerless; lacking strength

无论如何 wú lùn rú hé whatever the case; in any event; no matter what; by all possible means

无能 wú néng incompetence; inability; incapable; powerless

无能为力 wú néng wéi lì impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless

无情 wú qíng pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless

无情无义 wú qíng wú yì completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice (idiom); cold and ruthless

无穷 wú qióng endless; boundless; inexhaustible

无私 wú sī selfless; unselfish; disinterested; altruistic

无所事事 wú suǒ shì shì to have nothing to do; to idle one's time away (idiom)

无所作为 wú suǒ zuò wéi attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom); without any initiative or drive; feckless

无条件 wú tiáo jiàn unconditional

无微不至 wú wēi bù zhì in every possible way (idiom); meticulous

无线 wú xiàn wireless

无线电 wú xiàn diàn wireless

无形 wú xíng incorporeal; virtual; formless; invisible (assets); intangible

无形中 wú xíng zhōng imperceptibly; virtually

无须 wú xū need not; not obliged to; not necessarily

无意 wú yì inadvertent; accidental; to have no intention of (doing sth)

无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ carefree and without worries (idiom)

无缘 wú yuán to have no opportunity; no way (of doing sth); no chance; no connection; not placed (in a competition); (in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc

无知 wú zhī ignorant; ignorance

无足轻重 wú zú qīng zhòng insignificant

五花八门 wǔ huā bā mén myriad; all kinds of; all sorts of

五星级 wǔ xīng jí five-star (hotel)

武力 wǔ lì military force

武装 wǔ zhuāng arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces)

侮辱 wǔ rǔ to insult; to humiliate; dishonor

to enclose; to cover with the hand (one's eyes, nose or ears); to cover up (an affair); contrary; to contradict

舞厅 wǔ tīng dance hall; ballroom; Classifiers: 间

do not

务必 wù bì must; to need to; to be sure to

务实 wù shí pragmatic; dealing with concrete issues

物流 wù liú distribution (business); logistics

物体 wù tǐ object; body; substance

物证 wù zhèng material evidence

物资 wù zī goods; supplies

误差 wù chā difference; error; inaccuracy

误导 wù dǎo to mislead; to misguide; misleading

误区 wù qū mistaken ideas; misconceptions; the error of one's ways

fog; mist; Classifiers: 场

吸纳 xī nà to take in; to absorb; to admit; to accept

吸取 xī qǔ to absorb; to draw (a lesson, insight etc); to assimilate

昔日 xī rì former days; in the past

息息相关 xī xī xiāng guān closely bound up (idiom); intimately related

rare; uncommon; watery; sparse

稀罕 xī han rare; uncommon; rarity; to value as a rarity; to cherish; Taiwan pr. [xi1 han3]

稀奇 xī qí rare; strange

稀少 xī shǎo sparse; rare

tin (chemistry); to bestow; to confer; to grant; Taiwan pr. [xi2]

熙熙攘攘 xī xī rǎng rǎng bustling with activity (idiom)

熄火 xī huǒ (of fire, lamp etc) to go out; to put out (fire); (fig.) to die down; (of a vehicle) to stall

膝盖 xī gài knee; (Internet slang) to kneel down (in admiration)

嬉笑 xī xiào to be laughing and playing; to giggle

习俗 xí sú custom; tradition; local tradition; convention

woven mat; seat; banquet; place in a democratic assembly; classifier for banquets, conversations etc; variant of 席 ; woven mat; surname Xi

席位 xí wèi a seat (in a theater, stadium etc); parliamentary or congressional seat

袭击 xí jī attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to attack

媳妇 xí fù daughter-in-law; wife (of a younger man); young married woman; young woman

洗涤剂 xǐ dí jì cleaning agent; detergent

洗礼 xǐ lǐ baptism (lit. or fig.)

喜出望外 xǐ chū wàng wài to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom); overjoyed at the turn of events

喜好 xǐ hào to like; fond of; to prefer; to love; one's tastes; preference

喜酒 xǐ jiǔ wedding feast; liquor drunk at a wedding feast

喜怒哀乐 xǐ nù āi lè four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 欢喜

喜庆 xǐ qìng jubilation; festive

喜事 xǐ shì happy occasion; wedding

喜糖 xǐ táng sweet given on a happy occasion (esp. wedding)

喜洋洋 xǐ yáng yáng radiant with joy

喜悦 xǐ yuè happy; joyous

细腻 xì nì exquisite; meticulous

细微 xì wēi tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments)

细心 xì xīn careful; attentive

xiā shrimp; prawn

xiā blind; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose

侠义 xiá yì chivalrous; chivalry; knight-errantry

峡谷 xiá gǔ canyon; gill; ravine

狭隘 xiá ài narrow; tight; narrow minded; lacking in experience

狭小 xiá xiǎo narrow

狭窄 xiá zhǎi narrow

下场 xià chǎng to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc); to take part in some activity; to take an examination (in the imperial examination system)

下跌 xià diē to fall; to tumble

下岗 xià gǎng to come off sentry duty; to lay off (a worker); laid-off

下功夫 xià gōng fu see 下工夫

下海 xià hǎi to go out to sea; to enter the sea (to swim etc); (fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. leave a secure job, or enter prostitution etc)

下级 xià jí low ranking; low level; underclass; subordinate

下决心 xià jué xīn to determine; to resolve

下令 xià lìng to give an order; to command

下落 xià luò whereabouts; to drop; to fall

下期 xià qī

下棋 xià qí to play chess

下山 xià shān (of the sun) to set

下手 xià shǒu to start; to put one's hand to; to set about; the seat to the right of the main guest

下属 xià shǔ subordinate; underling

下台 xià tái to go off the stage; to fall from position of prestige; to step down (from office etc); to disentangle oneself; to get off the hook

下调 xià tiáo to adjust downwards; to lower (prices, wages etc)

下乡 xià xiāng to go to the countryside

下旬 xià xún last third of the month

下一代 xià yī dài the next generation

下意识 xià yì shí subconscious mind

下游 xià yóu lower reaches (of a river); lower level; lower echelon; downstream

下坠 xià zhuì

吓唬 xià hu to scare; to frighten

吓人 xià rén

夏令营 xià lìng yíng summer camp

仙鹤 xiān hè red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)

仙女 xiān nǚ fairy

先例 xiān lì antecedent; precedent

先天 xiān tiān inborn; innate; natural

纤维 xiān wéi fiber; Classifiers: 种

xiān to lift (a lid); to rock; to convulse

掀起 xiān qǐ to lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge; to set off (a campaign)

鲜活 xiān huó vivid; lively; (of food ingredients) live or fresh

鲜美 xiān měi delicious; tasty

鲜血 xiān xuè blood

xián bow string; string of musical instrument; watchspring; chord (segment of curve); hypotenuse; Classifiers: 根

衔接 xián jiē to join together; to combine

嫌弃 xián qì to regard with disdain; to shun

嫌疑 xián yí suspicion; to have suspicions

显而易见 xiǎn ér yì jiàn clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously; clearly; it goes without saying

显赫 xiǎn hè illustrious; celebrated

显示器 xiǎn shì qì monitor (computer)

显现 xiǎn xiàn appearance; to appear

显眼 xiǎn yǎn conspicuous; eye-catching; glamorous

现成 xiàn chéng ready-made; readily available

现任 xiàn rèn to occupy a post currently; current (president etc); incumbent; (coll.) current boyfriend (girlfriend, spouse)

现行 xiàn xíng to be in effect; in force; current

xiàn limit; bound; to set a limit (on)

限定 xiàn dìng to restrict to; to limit

限度 xiàn dù limitation; limit

限于 xiàn yú to be limited to; to be confined to

线条 xiàn tiáo line (in drawing, calligraphy etc); the lines or contours of a three-dimensional object (hairstyle, clothing, car etc)

宪法 xiàn fǎ constitution (of a country); Classifiers: 部

xiàn pitfall; trap; to get stuck; to sink; to cave in; to frame (false charge); to capture (a city in battle); to fall (to the enemy); defect

陷阱 xiàn jǐng pitfall; snare; trap

馅儿 xiàn r erhua variant of 馅

羡慕 xiàn mù to envy; to admire

献血 xiàn xuè to donate blood

xiàn gland

乡亲 xiāng qīn fellow countryman (from the same village); local people; villager; the folks back home

乡下 xiāng xia countryside; rural area; Classifiers: 个

相伴 xiāng bàn to accompany sb; to accompany each other

相比之下 xiāng bǐ zhī xià by comparison

相差 xiāng chà to differ; discrepancy between

相传 xiāng chuán to pass on; to hand down; tradition has it that ...; according to legend

相当于 xiāng dāng yú equivalent to

相对 xiāng duì relatively; opposite; to resist; to oppose; relative; vis-a-vis; counterpart

相对而言 xiàng duì ér yán

相辅相成 xiāng fǔ xiāng chéng to complement one another (idiom)

相继 xiāng jì in succession; following closely

相连 xiāng lián to link; to join; link; connection

相识 xiāng shí to get to know each other; acquaintance

相提并论 xiāng tí bìng lùn to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms; to place on a par with; (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y)

相通 xiāng tōng interlinked; connected; communicating; in communication; accommodating

相依为命 xiāng yī wéi mìng mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival; interdependent

相遇 xiāng yù to meet; to encounter; to come across

相约 xiāng yuē to agree (on a meeting place, date etc); to reach agreement; to make an appointment

香料 xiāng liào spice; flavoring; condiment; perfume

香水 xiāng shuǐ perfume; cologne

香味 xiāng wèi fragrance; bouquet; sweet smell; Classifiers: 股

香烟 xiāng yān cigarette; smoke from burning incense; Classifiers: 支

香油 xiāng yóu sesame oil; perfumed oil

xiāng to inlay; to embed; ridge; border

镶嵌 xiāng qiàn to inlay; to embed; to set (e.g. a jewel in a ring); tiling; tesselation

详尽 xiáng jìn thorough and detailed; exhaustive; the tedious details in full

祥和 xiáng hé auspicious and peaceful

xiǎng to enjoy; to benefit; to have the use of; old variant of 享

享有 xiǎng yǒu to enjoy (rights, privileges etc)

响亮 xiǎng liàng loud and clear; resounding

响起 xiǎng qǐ

响应 xiǎng yìng to respond to; answer; Classifiers: 个

想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means; to try this, that and the other

向来 xiàng lái always (previously)

向往 xiàng wǎng to yearn for; to look forward to

向着 xiàng zhe

项链 xiàng liàn necklace; Classifiers: 条

xiàng to resemble; to be like; to look as if; such as; appearance; image; portrait; image under a mapping (math.)

míng name; noun (part of speech); place (e.g. among winners); famous; classifier for people

像样 xiàng yàng presentable; decent; up to par

橡胶 xiàng jiāo rubber; caoutchouc

橡皮 xiàng pí rubber; an eraser; Classifiers: 块

xiāo to peel with a knife; to pare; to cut (a ball at tennis etc)

xiāo to disappear; to vanish; to eliminate; to spend (time); have to; need

消沉 xiāo chén depressed; bad mood; low spirit

消遣 xiāo qiǎn to while the time away; amusement; pastime; recreation; to make sport of

萧条 xiāo tiáo bleak; desolate; (economic) depression or slump

xiāo to melt (metal); to cancel or annul; to sell; to spend; to fasten with a bolt; bolt or pin

销毁 xiāo huǐ to destroy (by melting or burning); to obliterate

销量 xiāo liàng sales volume

潇洒 xiāo sǎ confident and at ease; free and easy

小丑 xiǎo chǒu clown

小贩 xiǎo fàn peddler; hawker

小看 xiǎo kàn to look down on; to underestimate

小康 xiǎo kāng Xiaokang, a Confucian near-ideal state of society, second only to Datong 大同 ; moderately affluent; well-off; a period of peace and prosperity

小路 xiǎo lù minor road; lane; pathway; trail

小品 xiǎo pǐn short, simple literary or artistic creation; essay; skit

小气 xiǎo qì stingy; miserly; narrow-minded; petty

小区 xiǎo qū neighborhood; district

小曲 xiǎo qǔ popular song; folk tune; ballad

小人 xiǎo rén person of low social status (old); I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself); nasty person; vile character

小提琴 xiǎo tí qín fiddle; violin

小溪 xiǎo xī brook; streamlet

小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn yì yì cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously

小卒 xiǎo zú foot soldier; minor figure; a nobody; (chess) pawn

孝敬 xiào jìng to show filial respect; to give presents (to one's elders or superiors); to support one's aged parents

孝顺 xiào shùn filial; dutiful; devoted to one's parents (and grandparents etc); to show filial piety towards (an older family member); filial piety

肖像 xiào xiàng portrait (painting, photo etc); (in a general sense) representation of a person; likeness

效仿 xiào fǎng see 仿效

效力 xiào lì effectiveness; positive effect; to serve (in some capacity)

效益 xiào yì benefit; effectiveness; efficiency

效应 xiào yìng effect (scientific phenomenon)

协定 xié dìng agreement; accord; to reach an agreement

协同 xié tóng to cooperate; in coordination with; coordinated; collaborate; collaboration; collaborative

协作 xié zuò cooperation; coordination

xié demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil; unhealthy influences that cause disease (Chinese medicine); (coll.) strange; abnormal; old variant of 邪

邪恶 xié è sinister; vicious; wicked; evil

挟持 xié chí to seize

携带 xié dài to carry (on one's person); to support (old); Taiwan pr. [xi1 dai4]

携手 xié shǒu hand in hand; to join hands; to collaborate

写照 xiě zhào portrayal

xiè to leak (of water or gas); to drip; to drain; to discharge; to leak out; to divulge (secrets); to give vent (to anger, spite etc); to disperse; to reduce; variant of 泄

泄漏 xiè lòu (of a liquid or gas) to leak; to divulge (a secret); to leak

泄露 xiè lù to leak (information); to divulge; also pr. [xie4 lou4]

泄密 xiè mì to leak secrets

泄气 xiè qì to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat

xiè to flow out swiftly; to flood; a torrent; diarrhea; laxative

xiè to unload; to unhitch; to remove or strip; to get rid of

心爱 xīn ài beloved

心安理得 xīn ān lǐ dé to have a clear conscience; to have no qualms about sth

心病 xīn bìng anxiety; sore point; secret worry; mental disorder; heart disease (medicine)

心肠 xīn cháng heart; intention; one's inclination; state of mind; to have the heart for sth; mood

心得 xīn dé what one has learned (through experience, reading etc); knowledge; insight; understanding; tips; Classifiers: 项

心慌 xīn huāng to be flustered; (dialect) irregular heart-beat

心急如焚 xīn jí rú fén to burn with anxiety (idiom)

心里话 xīn li huà (to express one's) true feelings; what is on one's mind; secret mind

心灵手巧 xīn líng shǒu qiǎo capable; clever; dexterous

心目 xīn mù mind

心声 xīn shēng thoughts; feelings; aspirations; heartfelt wishes; inner voice

心事 xīn shì a load on one's mind; worry; Classifiers: 宗

心思 xīn si mind; thoughts; inclination; mood

心酸 xīn suān to feel sad

心想事成 xīn xiǎng shì chéng to have one's wishes come true; wish you the best!

心胸 xīn xiōng heart; mind; ambition; aspiration

心血 xīn xuè heart's blood; expenditure (for some project); meticulous care

心眼儿 xīn yǎn r one's thoughts; mind; intention; willingness to accept new ideas; baseless suspicions

心意 xīn yì regard; kindly feelings; intention

芯片 xīn piàn computer chip; microchip

辛勤 xīn qín hardworking; industrious

辛酸 xīn suān pungent (taste); bitter; fig. sad; miserable

欣慰 xīn wèi to be gratified

欣喜 xīn xǐ happy

欣欣向荣 xīn xīn xiàng róng (idiom) flourishing; thriving

新潮 xīn cháo modern; fashionable

新陈代谢 xīn chén dài xiè metabolism (biology); the new replaces the old (idiom)

新房 xīn fáng brand new house; bridal chamber

新款 xīn kuǎn new style; latest fashion; new model

新奇 xīn qí novelty; new and odd

新生 xīn shēng new; newborn; emerging; nascent; rebirth; regeneration; new life; new student

新式 xīn shì new style; latest type

新手 xīn shǒu new hand; novice; raw recruit

新颖 xīn yǐng lit. new bud; fig. new and original

信贷 xìn dài credit; borrowed money

信件 xìn jiàn letter (sent by mail)

信赖 xìn lài to trust; to have confidence in; to have faith in; to rely on

信誉 xìn yù prestige; distinction; reputation; trust

兴奋剂 xīng fèn jì stimulant; doping (in athletics)

兴建 xīng jiàn to build; to construct

兴起 xīng qǐ to rise; to spring up; to burgeon; to be aroused; to come into vogue

星座 xīng zuò constellation; astrological sign; Classifiers: 张

猩猩 xīng xing orangutan

xīng fishy (smell)

刑法 xíng fǎ criminal law

行使 xíng shǐ to exercise (a right etc)

行政 xíng zhèng administrative; executive (attributive)

行走 xíng zǒu to walk

形形色色 xíng xíng sè sè all kinds of; all sorts of; every (different) kind of

形影不离 xíng yǐng bù lí inseparable (as form and shadow)

醒来 xǐng lái to waken

醒目 xǐng mù eye-grabbing (headline); striking (illustration)

醒悟 xǐng wù to come to oneself; to come to realize; to come to see the truth; to wake up to reality

兴高采烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in great delight

兴致 xìng zhì mood; spirits; interest

幸存 xìng cún to survive (a disaster)

幸好 xìng hǎo fortunately

幸亏 xìng kuī fortunately; luckily

幸免 xìng miǎn narrowly and luckily escape

性价比 xìng jià bǐ cost-performance ratio

性命 xìng mìng life

性情 xìng qíng nature; temperament

姓氏 xìng shì family name

凶残 xiōng cán savage; cruel; fierce; savage

凶恶 xiōng è fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening; variant of 凶恶 , fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening

凶狠 xiōng hěn cruel; vicious; fierce and malicious; vengeful; variant of 凶狠

凶猛 xiōng měng fierce; violent; ferocious

汹涌 xiōng yǒng to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent

胸膛 xiōng táng chest

胸有成竹 xiōng yǒu chéng zhú to plan in advance (idiom); a card up one's sleeve; forewarned is forearmed

雄厚 xióng hòu robust; strong and solid

休克 xiū kè shock (loanword); to go into shock

休眠 xiū mián to be dormant (biology); inactive (volcano); to hibernate (computing)

休想 xiū xiǎng don't think (that); don't imagine (that)

休养 xiū yǎng to recuperate; to recover; to convalesce

修补 xiū bǔ to mend

修长 xiū cháng slender; lanky; tall and thin

修订 xiū dìng to revise

修路 xiū lù to repair a road

修正 xiū zhèng to revise; to amend

羞愧 xiū kuì ashamed

秀丽 xiù lì pretty; beautiful

秀美 xiù měi elegant; graceful

袖手旁观 xiù shǒu páng guān to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger

xiù to embroider; embroidery; variant of 绣

xiù to corrode; to rust

嗅觉 xiù jué sense of smell

beard; mustache; feeler (of an insect etc); tassel; must; to have to; to wait

emptiness; void; abstract theory or guiding principles; empty or unoccupied; diffident or timid; false; humble or modest; (of health) weak; virtual; in vain

虚构 xū gòu to make up; fabrication; fictional; imaginary

虚幻 xū huàn imaginary; illusory

虚假 xū jiǎ false; phony; pretense

虚拟 xū nǐ to imagine; to make up; fictitious; theoretical; hypothetical; (computing) to emulate; virtual

虚弱 xū ruò weak; in poor health

虚伪 xū wěi false; hypocritical; artificial; sham

to require; to need; to want; necessity; need

徐徐 xú xú slowly; gently

to allow; to permit; to promise; to praise; somewhat; perhaps; surname Xu

许可证 xǔ kě zhèng license; authorization; permit

旭日 xù rì the rising sun

order; sequence; preface

序幕 xù mù prologue

叙述 xù shù to relate (a story or information); to tell or talk about; to recount; narration; telling; narrative; account

酗酒 xù jiǔ heavy drinking; to get drunk; to drink to excess

to continue; to replenish

絮叨 xù dao long-winded; garrulous; to talk endlessly without getting to the point

宣称 xuān chēng to assert; to claim

宣读 xuān dú to read out loud to an audience; a prepared speech (e.g. to a party conference)

宣告 xuān gào to declare; to proclaim

宣誓 xuān shì to swear an oath (of office); to make a vow

宣泄 xuān xiè to drain (by leading off water); to unburden oneself; to divulge; to leak a secret

宣言 xuān yán declaration; manifesto

宣扬 xuān yáng to proclaim; to make public or well known

喧哗 xuān huá hubbub; clamor; to make a racket

喧闹 xuān nào to make a noise; noisy

xuán black; mysterious

玄机 xuán jī profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism); mysterious principles

悬挂 xuán guà to suspend; to hang; (vehicle) suspension

悬念 xuán niàn suspense in a movie, play etc; concern for sb's welfare

悬殊 xuán shū widely different; large disparity

悬崖 xuán yá precipice; overhanging cliff

旋律 xuán lǜ melody

旋涡 xuán wō spiral; whirlpool; eddy; vortex

选民 xuǎn mín voter; constituency; electorate

选项 xuǎn xiàng to make a choice (between several alternatives); a choice; an option; an alternative

选用 xuǎn yòng to choose for some purpose; to select and use

炫耀 xuàn yào dazzling; to show off; to flaunt

削弱 xuē ruò to weaken; to impair; to cripple

靴子 xuē zi boots

穴位 xué wèi acupuncture point

学历 xué lì educational background; academic qualifications

学士 xué shì bachelor's degree; person holding a university degree

学说 xué shuō theory; doctrine

学堂 xué táng college; school (old)

学业 xué yè studies; schoolwork

学艺 xué yì to learn a skill or art

学子 xué zǐ (literary) student; scholar

雪山 xuě shān

雪上加霜 xuě shàng jiā shuāng (idiom) to make matters even worse; to add insult to injury

血脉 xuè mài blood vessels

血栓 xuè shuān blood clot; thrombosis

血压 xuè yā blood pressure

血缘 xuè yuán bloodline

勋章 xūn zhāng medal; decoration

xūn to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume; fragrance; warm; to educate; variant of 熏 ; to smoke; to fumigate; variant of 熏

熏陶 xūn táo to seep in; to influence; to nurture; influence; training

xún to search; to look for; to seek

寻常 xún cháng usual; common; ordinary

寻觅 xún mì to look for

巡逻 xún luó to patrol (police, army or navy)

循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally

xùn to teach; to train; to admonish; instruction (from superiors); teachings; rule

xùn to attain gradually; to tame; Taiwan pr. [xun2]

逊色 xùn sè inferior (often in the combination 毫无逊色 , not in the least inferior)

丫头 yā tou girl; servant girl; (used deprecatingly, but sometimes also as a term of endearment)

压倒 yā dǎo to overwhelm; to overpower; overwhelming

压缩 yā suō to compress; compression

压抑 yā yì to constrain or repress emotions; oppressive; stifling; depressing; repression

压制 yā zhì to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle

to mortgage; to pawn; to detain in custody; to escort and protect; (literary) to sign

鸦雀无声 yā què wú shēng lit. crow and peacock make no sound; absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice can be heard; absolute silence

牙齿 yá chǐ tooth; dental; Classifiers: 颗

牙膏 yá gāo toothpaste; Classifiers: 管

bud; sprout

dumb; mute; hoarse; husky; unexploded (of artillery shell etc)

咽喉 yān hóu throat

烟囱 yān cōng chimney

烟火 yān huǒ smoke and fire; fireworks

yān to flood; to submerge; to drown; to irritate the skin (of liquids); to delay

yán to prolong; to extend; to delay; surname Yan

延缓 yán huǎn to defer; to postpone; to put off; to retard; to slow sth down

延误 yán wu to delay; to be held up; to miss (an opportunity); delay; holdup

严谨 yán jǐn rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit

严禁 yán jìn to strictly prohibit

严峻 yán jùn grim; severe; rigorous

严密 yán mì strict; tight (organization, surveillance etc)

言辞 yán cí words; expression; what one says

言论 yán lùn expression of opinion; views; remarks; arguments

言行 yán xíng words and actions; what one says and what one does

岩石 yán shí rock

炎热 yán rè blistering hot; sizzling hot (weather)

炎症 yán zhèng inflammation

沿岸 yán àn coastal area; littoral or riparian

沿途 yán tú along the sides of the road; by the wayside

沿线 yán xiàn along the line (e.g. railway); the region near the line

研讨 yán tǎo discussion

阎王 yán wáng same as 阎罗王 ; Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja

衍生 yǎn shēng to give rise to; to derive; derivative; derivation

掩盖 yǎn gài to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up

掩护 yǎn hù to screen; to shield; to cover; protection; cover; Classifiers: 面

掩饰 yǎn shì to cover up; to conceal; to mask; to gloss over

眼红 yǎn hóng to covet; envious; jealous; green with envy; infuriated; furious

眼界 yǎn jiè ken; scope

眼色 yǎn sè signal made with one's eyes; meaningful glance

眼神 yǎn shén expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect)

眼下 yǎn xià now; at present; subocular (medicine)

演变 yǎn biàn to develop; to evolve; development; evolution

演播室 yǎn bō shì broadcasting studio

演技 yǎn jì acting; performing skills

演练 yǎn liàn to do a drill; to practice; training; drill

演示 yǎn shì to demonstrate; to show; presentation; demonstration

演说 yǎn shuō speech; to deliver a speech

演习 yǎn xí maneuver; exercise; practice; to maneuver

演戏 yǎn xì to put on a play; to perform; fig. to pretend; to feign

演艺圈 yǎn yì quān show business

演绎 yǎn yì (of a story etc) to unfold; to play out; to develop (a technique etc); to enact; (logic) to deduce; to infer

厌烦 yàn fán bored; fed up with sth; sick of sth

厌倦 yàn juàn to be weary of; to be fed up with; tedious

yàn to swallow; variant of 咽

艳丽 yàn lì gorgeous; garish and beautiful

yàn to examine; to test; to check; variant of 验

验收 yàn shōu to inspect and accept; acceptance

验证 yàn zhèng to inspect and verify; experimental verification; to validate (a theory); to authenticate

焰火 yàn huǒ fireworks

燕子 yàn zi swallow

秧歌 yāng ge Yangge, a popular rural folk dance

yáng to raise; to hoist; the action of tossing or winnowing; scattering (in the wind); to flutter; to propagate; abbr. for 扬州 ; surname Yang; variant of 扬

阳性 yáng xìng positive; masculine

杨树 yáng shù poplar tree; various trees of genus Populus

洋溢 yáng yì brimming with; steeped in

养活 yǎng huo to provide for; to keep (animals, a family etc); to raise animals; to feed and clothe; support; the necessities of life; to give birth

养老金 yǎng lǎo jīn pension

养老院 yǎng lǎo yuàn nursing home

养生 yǎng shēng to maintain good health; to raise a child or animal; curing (of concrete etc)

养殖 yǎng zhí to cultivate; cultivation; to further; to encourage

yǎng oxygen (chemistry)

yǎng variant of 痒 ; to itch; to tickle; to itch; to tickle

样本 yàng běn sample; specimen

样品 yàng pǐn sample; specimen

妖怪 yāo guài monster; devil

yāo to invite; to request; to intercept; to solicit; to seek

yáo kiln; oven; coal pit; cave dwelling; (coll.) brothel; variant of 窑

谣言 yáo yán rumor

摇摆 yáo bǎi to sway; to wobble; to waver

摇滚 yáo gǔn rock 'n' roll (music); to rock; to fall off

摇晃 yáo huàng to rock; to shake; to sway

摇篮 yáo lán cradle

摇摇欲坠 yáo yáo yù zhuì tottering; on the verge of collapse

遥控 yáo kòng remote control

遥远 yáo yuǎn distant; remote

药材 yào cái medicinal ingredient

药方 yào fāng prescription

要不 yào bù otherwise; or else; how about...?; either... (or...)

要不是 yào bu shì if it were not for; but for

要点 yào diǎn main point; essential

要害 yào hài vital part; (fig.) key point; crucial

要紧 yào jǐn important; urgent

要领 yào lǐng main aspects; essentials; gist

要命 yào mìng to cause sb's death; very; extremely; frightening; annoying

要强 yào qiáng eager to excel; eager to get ahead in life; strong-minded

钥匙 yào shi key; Classifiers: 把

耀眼 yào yǎn to dazzle; dazzling

椰子 yē zi coconut

也就是说 yě jiù shì shuō in other words; that is to say; so; thus

野餐 yě cān picnic; to have a picnic

野炊 yě chuī to cook a meal over a campfire (usu. for a group of people on an outing); cookout

野蛮 yě mán barbarous; uncivilized

野兽 yě shòu beast; wild animal

野外 yě wài countryside; areas outside the city

野心 yě xīn ambition; wild schemes; careerism

野营 yě yíng to camp; field lodgings

line of business; industry; occupation; job; employment; school studies; enterprise; property; (Buddhism) karma; deed; to engage in; already; surname Ye

服务业 fú wù yè service industry

业绩 yè jì achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc); results

夜班 yè bān night shift

夜市 yè shì night market

夜晚 yè wǎn night; Classifiers: 个

夜校 yè xiào evening school; night school

夜以继日 yè yǐ jì rì night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort

夜总会 yè zǒng huì nightclub; nightspot

液晶 yè jīng liquid crystal

液体 yè tǐ liquid

一把手 yī bǎ shǒu working hand; member of a work team; participant; (short form of 第一把手 ) the boss

一线 yī xiàn front line

一一 yī yī one by one; one after another

伊斯兰教 yī sī lán jiào Islam

衣食住行 yī shí zhù xíng clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people's basic needs

医务 yī wù medical affairs

to depend on; to comply with or listen to sb; according to; in the light of

依托 yī tuō to rely on; to depend on; support

依依不舍 yī yī bù shě reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having to leave

一不小心 yī bù xiǎo xīn

一刹那 yī shā nà

一大早 yī dà zǎo at dawn; at first light; first thing in the morning

一动不动 yī dòng bù dòng motionless

一度 yī dù for a time; at one time; one time; once

一概 yī gài all; without any exceptions; categorically

一概而论 yī gài ér lùn to lump different matters together (idiom)

一个劲儿 yī gè jìn r erhua variant of 一个劲

一晃 yī huǎng (of passing time) in an instant; (of a sight) in a flash

一技之长 yī jì zhī cháng proficiency in a particular field (idiom); skill in a specialized area (idiom)

一面 yī miàn one side; one aspect; simultaneously... (and...); one's whole face

一目了然 yī mù liǎo rán obvious at a glance (idiom); obvious at a glance (idiom)

一事无成 yī shì wú chéng to have achieved nothing; to be a total failure; to get nowhere

一瞬间 yī shùn jiān split second

一味 yī wèi blindly; invariably

一系列 yī xì liè a series of; a string of

一阵 yī zhèn a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time)

仪表 yí biǎo appearance; bearing; meter (i.e. measuring instrument)

qià exactly; just

rán correct; right; so; thus; like this; -ly

自得 zì dé contented; pleased with one's position

mother's sister; aunt

移交 yí jiāo to transfer; to hand over

移植 yí zhí to transplant

遗留 yí liú to leave behind; to hand down

遗弃 yí qì to leave; to abandon

遗体 yí tǐ remains (of a dead person)

遗忘 yí wàng to become forgotten; to forget

遗物 yí wù remnant

遗愿 yí yuàn final wishes of the departed

遗址 yí zhǐ ruins; historic relics

遗嘱 yí zhǔ testament; will

疑点 yí diǎn a doubtful point

疑惑 yí huò to doubt; to distrust; unconvincing; to puzzle over; misgivings; suspicions

疑虑 yí lǜ hesitation; misgivings; doubt

to use; by means of; according to; in order to; because of; at (a certain date or place); abbr. for Israel 以色列 ; old variant of 以 ; old variant of 以

以免 yǐ miǎn in order to avoid; so as not to

以身作则 yǐ shēn zuò zé to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model

以至于 yǐ zhì yú down to; up to; to the extent that...

以致 yǐ zhì to such an extent as to; down to; up to

classical final particle, similar to modern 了

to lean on; to rely upon

一长一短 yī cháng yī duǎn

一成不变 yī chéng bù biàn nothing much changes (idiom); always the same; stuck in a rut

一筹莫展 yī chóu mò zhǎn to be unable to find a solution; to be at wits' end

一帆风顺 yī fān fēng shùn propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip!

一干二净 yī gān èr jìng thoroughly (idiom); completely; one and all; very clean

一鼓作气 yī gǔ zuò qì in a spurt of energy

一锅粥 yī guō zhōu (lit.) a pot of porridge; (fig.) a complete mess

一回事 yī huí shì one thing; the same as

一家人 yī jiā rén household; the whole family

一经 yī jīng

一举 yī jǔ a move; an action; in one move; at a stroke; in one go

一举一动 yī jǔ yī dòng every movement; each and every move

一卡通 yī kǎ tōng Yikatong (Beijing public transport smart card)

一揽子 yī lǎn zi all-inclusive; undiscriminating

一连 yī lián in a row; in succession; running

一连串 yī lián chuàn a succession of; a series of

一毛不拔 yī máo bù bá stingy (idiom)

一年到头 yī nián dào tóu all year round

一旁 yī páng aside; to the side of

一如既往 yī rú jì wǎng just as in the past (idiom); as before; continuing as always

一声不吭 yī shēng bù kēng to not say a word

一手 yī shǒu a skill; mastery of a trade; by oneself; without outside help

一塌糊涂 yī tā hú tu muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition; complete shambles; a total mess

一体 yī tǐ an integral whole; all concerned; everybody

一天到晚 yī tiān dào wǎn all day long; the whole day

一头 yī tóu one head; a head full of sth; one end (of a stick); one side; headlong; directly; rapidly; simultaneously

一无所有 yī wú suǒ yǒu not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking; without two sticks to rub together

一无所知 yī wú suǒ zhī not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant; without an inkling

一心 yī xīn wholeheartedly; heart and soul

一心一意 yī xīn yī yì concentrating one's thoughts and efforts; single-minded; bent on; intently

一言不发 yī yán bù fā to not say a word (idiom)

一言一行 yī yán yī xíng every word and action (idiom)

一眼 yī yǎn a glance; a quick look; a glimpse

一应俱全 yī yīng jù quán with everything needed available

一早 yī zǎo early in the morning; at dawn

义工 yì gōng volunteer worker; volunteer work

to comment on; to discuss; to suggest

议程 yì chéng agenda; agenda item

议会 yì huì parliament; legislative assembly

议员 yì yuán member (of a legislative body); representative

屹立 yì lì to tower; to stand straight (of person's bearing)


异口同声 yì kǒu tóng shēng different mouths, same voice; to speak in unison (idiom)

异想天开 yì xiǎng tiān kāi to imagine the wildest thing; to indulge in fantasy

异性 yì xìng the opposite sex; of the opposite sex; heterosexual; different in nature

异议 yì yì objection; dissent

抑扬顿挫 yì yáng dùn cuò see 顿挫抑扬

抑郁 yì yù depressed; despondent; gloomy; depression

抑郁症 yì yù zhèng clinical depression

抑制 yì zhì to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress

to translate; to interpret

易拉罐 yì lā guàn pull-top can; easy-open can (with ring-pull)

疫苗 yì miáo vaccine

益处 yì chu benefit

意料 yì liào to anticipate; to expect

意料之外 yì liào zhī wài contrary to expectation; unexpected

意图 yì tú intent; intention; to intend

意向 yì xiàng intention; purpose; intent; inclination; disposition

to overflow; (literary) excessive; old variant of 镒

毅力 yì lì perseverance; willpower

毅然 yì rán firmly; resolutely; without hesitation

因人而异 yīn rén ér yì varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual

阴暗 yīn àn dim; dark; overcast; darkness; shadow; (fig.) dismal; gloomy; somber; murky; shadowy (side)

阴性 yīn xìng negative; feminine

音响 yīn xiǎng sound; acoustics; audio; hi-fi system; stereo sound system; abbr. for 组合音响

殷勤 yīn qín politely; solicitously; eagerly attentive

银幕 yín mù movie screen

引发 yǐn fā to lead to; to trigger; to initiate; to cause; to evoke (emotions)

引经据典 yǐn jīng jù diǎn lit. to quote the classics; to quote chapter and verse (idiom)

引领 yǐn lǐng to crane one's neck; to await eagerly; to lead; to show the way

引擎 yǐn qíng engine (loanword); Classifiers: 台

yǐn to draw (e.g. a bow); to pull; to stretch sth; to extend; to lengthen; to involve or implicate in; to attract; to lead; to guide; to leave; to provide evidence or justification for; old unit of distance equal to 10 丈 , one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters

人人 rén rén everyone; every person

shèng victory; success; to beat; to defeat; to surpass; victorious; superior to; to get the better of; better than; surpassing; superb (of vista); beautiful (scenery); wonderful (view); (Taiwan pr. [sheng1]) able to bear; equal to (a task)

引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù to attract attention; eye-catching; conspicuous

引入 yǐn rù to draw into; to pull into; to introduce

引用 yǐn yòng to quote; to cite; to recommend; to appoint; (computing) reference

引诱 yǐn yòu to coerce (sb into doing sth bad); to lure (into a trap); to seduce

饮水 yǐn shuǐ drinking water

饮用水 yǐn yòng shuǐ drinking water; potable water

隐蔽 yǐn bì to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover

隐患 yǐn huàn a danger concealed within sth; hidden damage; misfortune not visible from the surface

隐瞒 yǐn mán to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to cover up the truth

隐情 yǐn qíng sth one wishes to keep secret; ulterior motive; a subject best avoided

隐身 yǐn shēn to hide oneself; invisible (person or online status)

隐形 yǐn xíng invisible

隐性 yǐn xìng hidden; crypto-; recessive (gene)

隐约 yǐn yuē vague; faint; indistinct

yǐn addiction; craving

印刷术 yìn shuā shù printing; printing technology

印章 yìn zhāng seal; signet; chop; stamp; Classifiers: 方

印证 yìn zhèng to seal; to confirm; to corroborate; to verify

应有尽有 yīng yǒu jìn yǒu everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand; to have all one needs

英镑 yīng bàng pound sterling

英俊 yīng jùn handsome

婴儿 yīng ér infant; baby; Classifiers: 个 ; lead (Pb)

yīng eagle; falcon; hawk

yíng to welcome; to meet; to face; to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties)

迎合 yíng hé to cater to; to pander to

荧光 yíng guāng fluorescence; fluorescent

盈利 yíng lì profit; gain; to make profits

营救 yíng jiù to rescue

营造 yíng zào to build (housing); to construct; to make

赢家 yíng jiā winner

影像 yǐng xiàng image

应酬 yìng chou social niceties; social interaction; a dinner party

应付 yìng fu to deal with; to cope

应聘 yìng pìn to accept a job offer; to apply for an advertised position

应邀 yìng yāo at sb's invitation; on invitation

yìng to reflect (light); to shine; to project (an image onto a screen etc); old variant of 映

硬币 yìng bì coin; Classifiers: 枚

硬朗 yìng lǎng robust; healthy

硬盘 yìng pán hard disk

拥护 yōng hù to endorse; to support

拥挤 yōng jǐ crowded; to throng; congestion

庸俗 yōng sú vulgar; tacky; tawdry

永不 yǒng bù never; will never

永恒 yǒng héng eternal; everlasting; fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die)

永久 yǒng jiǔ everlasting; perpetual; lasting; forever; permanent

勇往直前 yǒng wǎng zhí qián to advance bravely

勇于 yǒng yú to dare to; to be brave enough to

yǒng to bubble up; to rush forth; variant of 涌

涌入 yǒng rù to come pouring in; influx

涌现 yǒng xiàn to emerge in large numbers; to spring up; to emerge prominently

踊跃 yǒng yuè to leap; to jump; eager; enthusiastically

用餐 yòng cān to eat a meal

用功 yòng gōng diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to study hard; to make great effort

用力 yòng lì to exert oneself physically

用人 yòng rén servant; to employ sb for a job; to manage people; to be in need of staff

用意 yòng yì intention; purpose

yōu excellent; superior

优化 yōu huà optimization; to optimize; to make superior

优雅 yōu yǎ grace; graceful

优异 yōu yì exceptional; outstandingly good

优越 yōu yuè superior; superiority

忧愁 yōu chóu to be worried

忧虑 yōu lǜ to worry; anxiety (about)

忧郁 yōu yù sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected

悠久 yōu jiǔ long (tradition, history etc)

悠闲 yōu xián leisurely; carefree; relaxed; variant of 悠闲 ; leisurely

尤为 yóu wéi especially

由此看来 yóu cǐ kàn lái judging from this; in view of this (idiom)

由此可见 yóu cǐ kě jiàn from this, it can be seen that...

由来 yóu lái origin

由衷 yóu zhōng heartfelt; sincere; unfeigned

邮编 yóu biān postal code; zip code

邮政 yóu zhèng postal service; postal

犹如 yóu rú similar to; appearing to be

犹豫不决 yóu yù bù jué hesitancy; indecision; to waver

油画 yóu huà oil painting

游船 yóu chuán

游览 yóu lǎn to go sightseeing; to tour; to visit; Classifiers: 次

友情 yǒu qíng friendly feelings; friendship

友人 yǒu rén friend

友善 yǒu shàn friendly

有待 yǒu dài not yet (done); pending

有的放矢 yǒu dì fàng shǐ to have definite goal (idiom)

有机 yǒu jī organic

有口无心 yǒu kǒu wú xīn to speak harshly but without any bad intent (idiom)

有两下子 yǒu liǎng xià zi to have real skill; to know one's stuff

有声有色 yǒu shēng yǒu sè having sound and color (idiom); vivid; dazzling

有所 yǒu suǒ somewhat; to some extent

有所不同 yǒu suǒ bù tóng to differ to some extent (idiom)

有望 yǒu wàng hopeful; promising

有效期 yǒu xiào qī period of validity; sell-by date

有幸 yǒu xìng fortunately

有序 yǒu xù regular; orderly; successive; in order

有益 yǒu yì useful; beneficial; profitable

有意 yǒu yì to intend; intentionally; interested in

有朝一日 yǒu zhāo yī rì one day; sometime in the future

有助于 yǒu zhù yú to contribute to; to promote

幼稚 yòu zhì young; childish; puerile

诱饵 yòu ěr bait

诱发 yòu fā to induce; to cause; to elicit; to trigger

诱惑 yòu huò to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract

诱人 yòu rén attractive; alluring; captivating; to attract; to captivate

extra; surplus; remaining; remainder after division; (following numerical value) or more; in excess of (some number); residue (math.); after; I; me; (archaic) I; me; variant of 余 , surplus; surname Yu

余地 yú dì margin; leeway

余额 yú é balance (of an account, bill etc); surplus; remainder

渔船 yú chuán fishing boat; Classifiers: 条

渔民 yú mín fisherman; fisher folk

逾期 yú qī to be overdue; to fail to meet a deadline; to be behind in doing sth

愚蠢 yú chǔn silly; stupid

愚公移山 yú gōng yí shān the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where there's a will, there's a way

舆论 yú lùn public opinion

与此同时 yǔ cǐ tóng shí at the same time; meanwhile

与否 yǔ fǒu whether or not (at the end of a phrase)

与其 yǔ qí rather than...; 与其 B (rather than A, better to B)

与日俱增 yǔ rì jù zēng to increase steadily; to grow with each passing day

与时俱进 yǔ shí jù jìn abreast of modern developments; to keep up with the times; progressive; timely

与众不同 yǔ zhòng bù tóng to stand out from the masses (idiom)

予以 yǔ yǐ to give; to impose; to apply

宇宙 yǔ zhòu universe; cosmos

语气 yǔ qì tone; manner of speaking; mood; Classifiers: 个

浴室 yù shì bathroom (room used for bathing); Classifiers: 间

预定 yù dìng to schedule in advance

预感 yù gǎn to have a premonition; premonition

预告 yù gào to forecast; to predict; advance notice

预见 yù jiàn to foresee; to predict; to forecast; to envision; foresight; intuition; vision

预料 yù liào to forecast; to anticipate; expectation

预赛 yù sài preliminary competition; to hold preliminary heats

预示 yù shì to indicate; to foretell; to forebode; to betoken

预售 yù shòu advance sale; to sell in advance; to book

预算 yù suàn budget

预先 yù xiān beforehand; in advance

预言 yù yán to predict; prophecy

预兆 yù zhào omen; sign (of sth yet to occur); prior indication; to foreshadow

欲望 yù wàng desire; longing; appetite; craving

遇难 yù nàn to perish; to be killed

遇上 yù shàng

遇险 yù xiǎn to get into difficulties; to meet with danger

寓言 yù yán fable; Classifiers: 则

寓意 yù yì moral (of a story); lesson to be learned; implication; message; import; metaphorical meaning

愈合 yù hé (of a wound) to heal; to heal; to fuse

愈来愈 yù lái yù more and more

愈演愈烈 yù yǎn yù liè ever more critical; problems get more and more intense

yuān injustice; grievance; wrong; old variant of 冤

冤枉 yuān wang to accuse wrongly; to treat unjustly; injustice; wronged; not worthwhile

渊源 yuān yuán origin; source; relationship

元老 yuán lǎo senior figure; elder; doyen

元首 yuán shǒu head of state

元宵节 yuán xiāo jié Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春节 , on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar

原本 yuán běn originally; original

原材料 yuán cái liào raw materials; unprocessed materials

原创 yuán chuàng originality; creativity; innovation

原地 yuán dì (in) the original place; the place where one currently is; place of origin; local (product)

原型 yuán xíng model; prototype; archetype

原汁原味 yuán zhī yuán wèi original; authentic

原装 yuán zhuāng genuine; intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)

圆形 yuán xíng round; circular

缘分 yuán fèn fate or chance that brings people together; predestined affinity or relationship; (Budd.) destiny

源泉 yuán quán fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin

源头 yuán tóu source; fountainhead

源于 yuán yú has its origins in

源源不断 yuán yuán bù duàn a steady flow (idiom); an unending stream

远程 yuǎn chéng remote; long distance; long range

远见 yuǎn jiàn vision

远近闻名 yuǎn jìn wén míng to be known far and wide (idiom)

怨恨 yuàn hèn to resent; to harbor a grudge against; to loathe; resentment; rancor

怨气 yuàn qì grievance; resentment; complaint

怨言 yuàn yán complaint

院士 yuàn shì scholar; academician; fellow (of an academy)

yuē to speak; to say

约定俗成 yuē dìng sú chéng established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement; customary convention

月初 yuè chū start of month; early in the month

月票 yuè piào monthly ticket

乐器 yuè qì musical instrument; Classifiers: 件

岳父 yuè fù wife's father, father-in-law

岳母 yuè mǔ wife's mother, mother-in-law

阅历 yuè lì to experience; experience

悦耳 yuè ěr sweet-sounding; beautiful (of sound)

越发 yuè fā increasingly; more and more; ever more; all the more

越过 yuè guò to cross over; to transcend; to cover distance; to overcome; to rise above

晕倒 yūn dǎo to faint; to swoon; to black out; to become unconscious

陨石 yǔn shí meteorite; aerolite; Classifiers: 块

孕妇 yùn fù pregnant woman

孕育 yùn yù to be pregnant; to produce offspring; to nurture (a development, school of thought, artwork etc); fig. replete with (culture etc)

运河 yùn hé canal

运送 yùn sòng to transport; to carry

运营 yùn yíng to be in operation; to do business; (of train, bus etc) to be in service; operation; service

运转 yùn zhuǎn to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around

酝酿 yùn niàng (of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold exploratory discussions

韵味 yùn wèi implicit charm in rhyme or sound; hinted appeal; interest

蕴藏 yùn cáng to hold in store; to contain (untapped reserves etc)

蕴涵 yùn hán to contain; to accumulate; to embrace; implicit condition; implication; entailment

杂技 zá jì acrobatics; Classifiers: 场

杂交 zá jiāo to hybridize; to crossbreed; promiscuity

杂乱无章 zá luàn wú zhāng disordered and in a mess (idiom); all mixed up and chaotic

to smash; to pound; to fail; to muck up; to bungle

zāi to grow; to plant; to insert; to force on sb; to fall head first

栽培 zāi péi to grow; to cultivate; to train; to educate; to patronize

zǎi to slaughter livestock; to govern or rule; to cheat customers; imperial official in dynastic China

再度 zài dù once more; once again; one more time

再现 zài xiàn to recreate; to reconstruct (a historical relic)

在线 zài xiàn online

在意 zài yì to care about; to mind

在职 zài zhí to be employed; to be in post; on-the-job

载体 zài tǐ carrier (chemistry); vector (epidemiology); vehicle or medium

cuán to bring together

zàn temporary; Taiwan pr. [zhan4]; to scurry; variant of 暂

赞不绝口 zàn bù jué kǒu to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven; to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven

赞美 zàn měi to admire; to praise; to eulogize

赞叹 zàn tàn to sigh or gasp in admiration; high praise

赞叹不已 zàn tàn bù yǐ to be full of praise (idiom)

赞同 zàn tóng to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor; to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor

赞许 zàn xǔ to praise; to laud

赞扬 zàn yáng to praise; to approve of; to show approval

zàng to bury (the dead); to inter; old variant of 葬

葬礼 zàng lǐ burial; funeral

遭殃 zāo yāng to suffer a calamity

záo chisel; to bore a hole; to chisel or dig; (literary) (bound form) certain; authentic; irrefutable; also pr.

早年 zǎo nián early years; adolescence

早日 zǎo rì soon; shortly; on a day quite soon; promptly

zǎo jujube; dates

造福 zào fú to benefit (e.g. the people)

造假 zào jiǎ to counterfeit; to pass off a fake as genuine

造价 zào jià construction cost

造就 zào jiù to bring up; to train; to contribute to; achievements (usually of young people)

造纸术 zào zhǐ shù

噪声 zào shēng noise

噪音 zào yīn rumble; noise; static (in a signal)

(conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; classifier for written items

lián to link; to join; to connect; continuously; in succession; including; (used with 也 , 都 etc) even; company (military); surname Lian

(conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; classifier for written items

liáng to measure

责备 zé bèi to blame; to criticize; condemnation; reproach

责怪 zé guài to blame; to rebuke

zéi thief; traitor; wily; deceitful; evil; extremely

增收 zēng shōu

增添 zēng tiān to add; to increase

扎根 zhā gēn to take root

渣子 zhā zǐ

zhá old variant of 闸 ; sluice; lock (on waterway); gear; brake; sluice; lock (on waterway); electric switch or circuit breaker

zhá to deep fry; Taiwan pr. [zha4]

眨眼 zhǎ yǎn to blink; to wink; in the twinkling of an eye

诈骗 zhà piàn to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail

zhà variant of 榨 ; to press; to extract (juice); to press; to extract (juice); device for extracting juice, oils etc

zhǎi narrow; narrow-minded; badly off

债务 zhài wù debt; liability; amount due; indebtedness

占卜 zhān bǔ to divine

zhān to moisten; to be infected by; to receive benefit or advantage through a contact; to touch; variant of 沾 ; to moisten

沾光 zhān guāng to bask in the light; fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth; reflected glory

zhān to glue; to paste; to adhere; to stick to

瞻仰 zhān yǎng to revere; to admire

zhǎn to behead (as form of capital punishment); to chop

斩草除根 zhǎn cǎo chú gēn to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch; to eliminate completely

zhǎn a small cup; classifier for lamps

展出 zhǎn chū to put on display; to be on show; to exhibit

展览会 zhǎn lǎn huì exhibition; show; Classifiers: 个

展望 zhǎn wàng outlook; prospect; to look ahead; to look forward to

崭新 zhǎn xīn brand new

占用 zhàn yòng to occupy

站立 zhàn lì to stand; standing; on one's feet

绽放 zhàn fàng to blossom

zhàn to dip in (ink, sauce etc)

张灯结彩 zhāng dēng jié cǎi to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)

张贴 zhāng tiē to post (a notice); to advertise

张扬 zhāng yáng to display ostentatiously; to bring out into the open; to make public; to spread around; flamboyant; brash; to display ostentatiously; to bring out into the open; to make public; to spread around; flamboyant; brash

长辈 zhǎng bèi one's elders; older generation

长相 zhǎng xiàng appearance; looks; profile; countenance

掌管 zhǎng guǎn in charge of; to control

帐篷 zhàng peng tent; Classifiers: 顶

帐子 zhàng zi mosquito net; Classifiers: 顶

账单 zhàng dān bill

账号 zhàng hào account; username

zhàng dropsical; swollen; to swell; to be bloated

招标 zhāo biāo to invite bids

招待 zhāo dài to receive (guests); to entertain; reception

招待会 zhāo dài huì reception; Classifiers: 个

招揽 zhāo lǎn to attract (customers); to drum up (trade)

招募 zhāo mù to recruit; to enlist

招牌 zhāo pai signboard; shop sign; reputation of a business

招收 zhāo shōu to hire; to recruit

招数 zhāo shù move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts); gambit; trick; scheme; movement; same as 着数

朝气蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous; energetic; a bright spark

朝三暮四 zhāo sān mù sì lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth that is already settled upon; indecisive; to blow hot and cold

朝夕相处 zhāo xī xiāng chǔ to be closely associated (idiom)

着迷 zháo mí to be fascinated; to be captivated

沼泽 zhǎo zé marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade

召集 zhào jí to convene; to gather

兆头 zhào tou omen; portent; sign

照办 zhào bàn to follow the rules; to do as instructed; to play by the book; to comply with a request

照常 zhào cháng as usual

照例 zhào lì as a rule; as usual; usually

照料 zhào liào to tend; to take care of sb

照明 zhào míng lighting; illumination; to light up; to illuminate

zhào cover; fish trap (basket); shade

肇事 zhào shì to cause an accident; to be responsible for an incident; to provoke a disturbance

折腾 zhē teng to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly); to repeat sth over and over again; to torment sb; to play crazy; to squander (time, money)

zhē to cover up (a shortcoming); to screen off; to hide; to conceal

遮盖 zhē gài to hide; to cover (one's tracks)

折叠 zhé dié to fold; collapsible; folding (bicycle, antenna, bed etc)

折合 zhé hé to convert into; to amount to; to be equivalent to

折扣 zhé kòu discount

折磨 zhé mó to torment; to torture

折射 zhé shè to refract; refraction; to reflect (in the figurative sense: to show the nature of)

这会儿 zhè huì r (coll.) now; this moment; also pr. [zhe4 hui3 r5]

这样一来 zhè yàng yī lái thus; if this happens then

针锋相对 zhēn fēng xiāng duì to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat; measure for measure

针灸 zhēn jiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion; to give or have acupuncture and moxibustion

侦察 zhēn chá to investigate a crime; to scout; to reconnoiter; reconnaissance; detection; a scout

珍藏 zhēn cáng collection; to collect (valuables)

珍视 zhēn shì to place great importance on; to treasure

珍重 zhēn zhòng precious; extremely valuable; (honorific) Please take good care of yourself!

真假 zhēn jiǎ genuine or fake; true or false

真空 zhēn kōng vacuum

真情 zhēn qíng real situation; the truth

真是的 zhēn shi de Really! (interj. of annoyance or frustration)

真心 zhēn xīn sincere; heartfelt; Classifiers: 片

真挚 zhēn zhì sincere; sincerity

诊所 zhěn suǒ clinic

枕头 zhěn tou pillow

阵容 zhèn róng troop arrangement; battle formation; lineup (of a sports team etc)

阵营 zhèn yíng group of people; camp; faction; sides in a dispute

振奋 zhèn fèn to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to inspire

振兴 zhèn xīng to revive; to revitalize; to invigorate; to re-energize; Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹东市 , Liaoning

振作 zhèn zuò to bestir oneself; to pull oneself together; to cheer up; to uplift; to stimulate

zhèn to shake; to vibrate; to jolt; to quake; excited; shocked; one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 , symbolizing thunder; ☳

震动 zhèn dòng to shake; to vibrate; to strongly affect; shock; vibration

震撼 zhèn hàn to shake; to shock; to stun; shocking; stunning; shock

镇定 zhèn dìng calm; unperturbed; cool

争吵 zhēng chǎo to quarrel; dispute

争端 zhēng duān dispute; controversy; conflict

争分夺秒 zhēng fēn duó miǎo lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time; making every second count

争光 zhēng guāng to win an honor; to strive to win a prize

争气 zhēng qì to work hard for sth; to resolve on improvement; determined not to fall short

争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another

争执 zhēng zhí to dispute; to disagree; to argue opinionatedly; to wrangle

zhēng to invite; to recruit; to levy (taxes); to draft (troops); phenomenon; symptom; characteristic sign (used as proof); evidence; journey; trip; expedition; to go on long campaign; to attack

征集 zhēng jí to collect; to recruit

征收 zhēng shōu to levy (a fine); to impose (a tariff)

挣扎 zhēng zhá to struggle

症结 zhēng jié hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine); crux of an issue; main point in an argument; sticking point; deadlock in negotiations

zhēng to open (one's eyes)

zhēng to evaporate; (of cooking) to steam; torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old); finely chopped firewood (old)

拯救 zhěng jiù to save; to rescue

整合 zhěng hé to conform; to integrate

整洁 zhěng jié neatly; tidy

整数 zhěng shù whole number; integer (math.); round figure

正面 zhèng miàn front; obverse side; right side; positive; direct; open

zhèng straight; upright; proper; main; principal; to correct; to rectify; exactly; just (at that time); right (in that place); (math.) positive

能量 néng liàng energy; capabilities

正视 zhèng shì to face squarely; to meet head on; to face up to

正直 zhèng zhí upright; upstanding; honest

正宗 zhèng zōng orthodox school; fig. traditional; old school; authentic; genuine

证人 zhèng rén witness

郑重 zhèng zhòng serious; solemn

zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的 ); him; her; it

dài to substitute; to act on behalf of others; to replace; generation; dynasty; age; period; (historical) era; (geological) eon

zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的 ); him; her; it

zhù to help; to assist

之所以 zhī suǒ yǐ (after a noun N and before a predicate P) the reason why N P; Example: 我之所以讨厌他 "the reason why I dislike him (is ...)"

支票 zhī piào check (bank); cheque; Classifiers: 本

支柱 zhī zhù mainstay; pillar; prop; backbone

zhī juice

芝麻 zhī ma sesame (seed)

芝士 zhī shì cheese (loanword)

知己 zhī jǐ to know oneself; to be intimate or close; intimate friend

知觉 zhī jué perception; consciousness

知识分子 zhī shi fèn zǐ intellectual; intelligentsia; learned person

知足 zhī zú content with one's situation; to know contentment (hence happiness)

肢体 zhī tǐ limb; limbs and trunk; body

脂肪 zhī fáng fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food)

执法 zhí fǎ to enforce a law; law enforcement

执意 zhí yì to be determined to; to insist on

执照 zhí zhào license; permit

执着 zhí zhuó to be strongly attached to; to be dedicated; to cling to

直奔 zhí bèn to go straight to; to make a beeline for

直达 zhí dá to go nonstop to; through (as in "through train"); nonstop

直观 zhí guān direct observation; directly perceived through the senses; intuitive; audiovisual

直径 zhí jìng diameter

直觉 zhí jué intuition

直视 zhí shì to look straight at

直至 zhí zhì lasting until; up till (the present)

值钱 zhí qián valuable; costly; expensive

职权 zhí quán authority; power over others

职业病 zhí yè bìng occupational disease

职员 zhí yuán office worker; staff member; Classifiers: 个

止步 zhǐ bù to halt; to stop; to go no farther

止咳 zhǐ ké to suppress coughing

止血 zhǐ xuè to staunch (bleeding); hemostatic (drug)

旨在 zhǐ zài to have as its purpose; to be intended to; to aim to (do sth)

指点 zhǐ diǎn to point out; to indicate; to give directions; to show how (to do sth); to censure; to pick at

指教 zhǐ jiào to give advice or comments

指令 zhǐ lìng order; command; instruction

指南 zhǐ nán to guide; guidebook

指南针 zhǐ nán zhēn compass

指手画脚 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily

指望 zhǐ wàng to hope for sth; to count on; hope

指向 zhǐ xiàng to point towards; aimed at; facing; the direction indicated

指引 zhǐ yǐn to guide; to show; to point (the way); directions; guidance; guidelines

至此 zhì cǐ up until now; so far

至关重要 zhì guān zhòng yào extremely important; vital; crucial; essential

志气 zhì qì ambition; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit

zhì to manufacture; to make; system; to control; to regulate; variant of 制

制裁 zhì cái to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl. economic)

制服 zhì fú to subdue; to check; to bring under control; (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status; uniform (army, party, school etc); livery (for company employees); Classifiers: 套

制品 zhì pǐn products; goods

制止 zhì zhǐ to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit

质地 zhì dì texture; background (texture); grain; quality; character; disposition

质朴 zhì pǔ simple; plain; unadorned; unaffected; unsophisticated; rustic; earthy

质问 zhì wèn to question; to ask questions; to inquire; to bring to account; to interrogate

质疑 zhì yí to call into question; to question (truth or validity)

治学 zhì xué scholarship; high-level study; to do scholarly research; to pursue a high level of study

治愈 zhì yù to cure

zhì (bound form) fine; delicate; to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey

致辞 zhì cí to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致词

致富 zhì fù to become rich

致敬 zhì jìng to salute; to pay one's respects to; to pay tribute to; to pay homage to

致力于 zhì lì yú devote oneself to

致命 zhì mìng fatal; mortal; deadly; to sacrifice one's life

致使 zhì shǐ to cause; to result in

秩序 zhì xù order (orderly); order (sequence); social order; the state (of society); Classifiers: 个

窒息 zhì xī to choke; to stifle; to suffocate

智商 zhì shāng IQ (intelligence quotient)

滞后 zhì hòu to lag behind

滞留 zhì liú to detain; retention

zhì to install; to place; to put; to buy

中国画 zhōng guó huà Chinese painting

中立 zhōng lì neutral; neutrality

中途 zhōng tú midway

中型 zhōng xíng medium sized

中性 zhōng xìng neutral

中旬 zhōng xún middle third of a month

中庸 zhōng yōng golden mean (Confucianism); (literary) (of person) mediocre; ordinary; the Doctrine of the Mean, one of the Four Books 四书

中止 zhōng zhǐ to cease; to suspend; to break off; to stop; to discontinue

忠诚 zhōng chéng devoted; loyal; fidelity; loyalty

忠实 zhōng shí faithful

忠于 zhōng yú to be loyal to

忠贞 zhōng zhēn loyal and dependable

终结 zhōng jié end; conclusion; to come to an end; to terminate (sth)

终究 zhōng jiū in the end; after all is said and done

终生 zhōng shēng throughout one's life; lifetime; lifelong

衷心 zhōng xīn heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial

肿瘤 zhǒng liú tumor

种族 zhǒng zú race; ethnicity

仲裁 zhòng cái arbitration

众人 zhòng rén everyone

众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī as everyone knows (idiom)

众志成城 zhòng zhì chéng chéng unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)

重创 zhòng chuāng to inflict heavy losses; to inflict serious damage

重量级 zhòng liàng jí heavyweight (boxing etc)

重任 zhòng rèn heavy responsibility

重伤 zhòng shāng seriously hurt; serious injury

重心 zhòng xīn center of gravity; central core; main part

重型 zhòng xíng heavy; heavy duty; large caliber

重中之重 zhòng zhōng zhī zhòng of the utmost importance; of highest priority

周边 zhōu biān periphery; rim; surroundings; all around; perimeter; peripheral (computing); spin-offs

周到 zhōu dào thoughtful; considerate; attentive; thorough; also pr. [zhou1 dao5]

周密 zhōu mì careful; thorough; meticulous; dense; impenetrable

周旋 zhōu xuán to mix with others; to socialize; to deal with; to contend

昼夜 zhòu yè day and night; period of 24 hours; continuously, without stop

zhòu to wrinkle; wrinkled; to crease

骤然 zhòu rán suddenly; abruptly

朱红 zhū hóng vermilion

zhū tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; classifier for trees or plants; strain (biology); to involve others (in shady business)

诸多 zhū duō (used for abstract things) a good deal, a lot of

诸如此类 zhū rú cǐ lèi things like this (idiom); and so on; and the rest; etc

竹竿 zhú gān

逐年 zhú nián year after year; with each passing year; over the years

zhǔ owner; master; host; individual or party concerned; God; Lord; main; to indicate or signify; trump card (in card games)

主编 zhǔ biān editor in chief

主妇 zhǔ fù housewife; woman of senior authority in a household; the lady of the house; hostess

主力 zhǔ lì main force; main strength of an army

主权 zhǔ quán sovereignty

主人公 zhǔ rén gōng hero (of a novel or film); main protagonist

主食 zhǔ shí main food; staple (rice and noodles)

主题歌 zhǔ tí gē

主演 zhǔ yǎn to act the leading role (in a movie or a play); to star; lead actor

主页 zhǔ yè home page

主义 zhǔ yì -ism; ideology

主宰 zhǔ zǎi to dominate; to rule; to dictate; master

zhǔ to lean on; to prop on

嘱咐 zhǔ fù to tell; to exhort; injunction

瞩目 zhǔ mù to focus attention upon

助威 zhù wēi to cheer for; to encourage; to boost the morale of

住处 zhù chù residence; dwelling; dwelling place

住户 zhù hù household; inhabitant; householder

住宿 zhù sù to stay at; lodging; accommodation

住址 zhù zhǐ address

贮藏 zhù cáng to store up; to hoard; deposits

zhù to register; to annotate; note; comment; to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; stake (gambling); classifier for sums of money; variant of 注

注定 zhù dìng to foreordain; to be bound to; to be destined to; to be doomed to; inevitably

注入 zhù rù to pour into; to empty into

铸造 zhù zào to cast (pour metal into a mold)

zhù to build; to construct; to ram; to hit; Taiwan pr. [zhu2]; five-string lute; Taiwan pr. [zhu2]; short name for Guiyang 贵阳

爪子 zhuǎ zi (animal's) claw

zhuài to pull; to tug at (sth)

专长 zhuān cháng specialty; special knowledge or ability

专程 zhuān chéng specifically; specially (for that purpose)

专柜 zhuān guì sales counter dedicated to a certain kind of product (e.g. alcohol)

专栏 zhuān lán special column

专卖店 zhuān mài diàn specialty store

专人 zhuān rén specialist; person appointed for specific task

专职 zhuān zhí special duty; assigned full time to a task

专制 zhuān zhì autocracy; dictatorship

专注 zhuān zhù to focus; to concentrate; to give one's full attention

专著 zhuān zhù monograph; specialized text

zhuān brick; Classifiers: 块 ; variant of 砖 ; variant of 砖

转播 zhuǎn bō relay; broadcast (on radio or TV)

转达 zhuǎn dá to pass on; to convey; to communicate

转机 zhuǎn jī (to take) a turn for the better; to change planes

转交 zhuǎn jiāo to pass on to sb; to carry and give to sb else

转型 zhuǎn xíng transformation; to transform

转学 zhuǎn xué to change schools; to transfer to another college

转眼 zhuǎn yǎn in a flash; in the blink of an eye; to glance

转载 zhuǎn zǎi to forward (a shipment); to reprint sth published elsewhere; Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 zai4]

转折 zhuǎn zhé shift in the trend of events; turnaround; plot shift in a book; turn in the conversation

转折点 zhuǎn zhé diǎn turning point; breaking point

chuán to pass on; to spread; to transmit; to infect; to transfer; to circulate; to conduct (electricity)

传记 zhuàn jì biography; Classifiers: 篇

转悠 zhuàn you to roll; to wander around; to appear repeatedly

撰写 zhuàn xiě to write; to compose

庄稼 zhuāng jia farm crop; Classifiers: 种

庄严 zhuāng yán solemn; dignified; stately

庄园 zhuāng yuán manor; feudal land; villa and park

zhuāng stump; stake; pile; classifier for items

装扮 zhuāng bàn to decorate; to adorn; to dress up; to disguise oneself

zhuàng to strengthen; strong; robust; Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous ethnic group

壮大 zhuàng dà to expand; to strengthen

壮胆 zhuàng dǎn

壮丽 zhuàng lì magnificence; magnificent; majestic; glorious

壮实 zhuàng shi robust; sturdy

状元 zhuàng yuán top scorer in the palace examination (highest rank of the Imperial examination system); see 榜眼 ; (fig.) the most brilliantly talented person in the field; leading light

撞击 zhuàng jī to strike; to hit; to ram

zhuàng classifier for buildings; carriage curtain (old)

追悼会 zhuī dào huì memorial service; funeral service

追赶 zhuī gǎn to pursue; to chase after; to accelerate; to catch up with; to overtake

追溯 zhuī sù lit. to go upstream; to trace sth back to; to date from

追随 zhuī suí to follow; to accompany

追尾 zhuī wěi to tailgate; to hit the car in front as a result of tailgating

追问 zhuī wèn to question closely; to investigate in detail; to examine minutely; to get to the heart of the matter

追逐 zhuī zhú to chase; to pursue vigorously

追踪 zhuī zōng to follow a trail; to trace; to pursue

zhuì to fall; to drop; to weigh down

准许 zhǔn xǔ to allow; to grant; to permit

准则 zhǔn zé norm; standard; criterion

拙劣 zhuō liè clumsy; botched

捉迷藏 zhuō mí cáng to play hide-and-seek

灼热 zhuó rè burning hot; scorching; worried

卓越 zhuó yuè outstanding; surpassing; distinguished; splendid

酌情 zhuó qíng to use discretion; to take circumstances into account; to make allowances pertinent to a situation

着力 zhuó lì to put effort into sth; to try really hard

着落 zhuó luò whereabouts; place to settle; reliable source (of funds etc); (of responsibility for a matter) to rest with sb; settlement; solution

着实 zhuó shí truly; indeed; severely; harshly

着手 zhuó shǒu to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out

着想 zhuó xiǎng to give thought (to others); to consider (other people's needs); also pr. [zhao2 xiang3]

着眼 zhuó yǎn to have one's eyes on (a goal); having sth in mind; to concentrate

着眼 zhuó yǎn to have one's eyes on (a goal); having sth in mind; to concentrate

in; at; to; from; by; than; out of; to go; to take; sentence-final interrogative particle; variant of 於 ; surname Yu

着重 zhuó zhòng to put emphasis on; to stress

姿势 zī shì posture; position

姿态 zī tài attitude; posture; stance

now; here; this; time; year

资本主义 zī běn zhǔ yì capitalism

资历 zī lì qualifications; experience; seniority

资深 zī shēn veteran (journalist etc); senior; highly experienced

资讯 zī xùn information

滋润 zī rùn moist; humid; to moisten; to provide moisture; comfortably off

滋味 zī wèi taste; flavor; feeling

子弟 zǐ dì child; the younger generation

子孙 zǐ sūn offspring; posterity

自卑 zì bēi to have low self-esteem; to abase oneself

自称 zì chēng to call oneself; to claim to be; to profess; to claim a title

自发 zì fā spontaneous

自费 zì fèi at one's own expense; self-funded

自负 zì fù conceited; to take responsibility

自理 zì lǐ to take care of oneself; to provide for oneself

自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng regeneration through one's own effort (idiom); self-reliance

自立 zì lì independent; self-reliant; self-sustaining; to stand on one's own feet; to support oneself

自强不息 zì qiáng bù xī to strive unremittingly; self-improvement

自然而然 zì rán ér rán involuntary; automatically

自然界 zì rán jiè nature; the natural world

自如 zì rú unobstructed; unconstrained; smoothly; with ease; freely

自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng from start to finish (idiom)

自私 zì sī selfish; selfishness

自私自利 zì sī zì lì everything for self and selfish profit (idiom); with no regard for others; selfish; mercenary

自卫 zì wèi self-defense

自相矛盾 zì xiāng máo dùn to contradict oneself; self-contradictory; inconsistent

自信心 zì xìn xīn self-confidence

自行 zì xíng voluntary; autonomous; by oneself; self-

自以为是 zì yǐ wéi shì to believe oneself infallible (idiom); to be opinionated

自由自在 zì yóu zì zài free and easy (idiom); carefree; leisurely

自责 zì zé to blame oneself

自助 zì zhù self-service

自尊 zì zūn self-respect; self-esteem; ego; pride

自尊心 zì zūn xīn self-respect; self-esteem; ego

字迹 zì jì handwriting

字幕 zì mù caption; subtitle

字体 zì tǐ calligraphic style; typeface; font

字眼 zì yǎn wording

zōng school; sect; purpose; model; ancestor; clan; to take as one's model (in academic or artistic work); classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs; surname Zong

宗旨 zōng zhǐ objective; aim; goal

综上所述 zōng shàng suǒ shù to summarize; to sum up

总的来说 zǒng de lái shuō generally speaking; to sum up; in summary; in short

总额 zǒng é total (amount or value)

总而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī in short; in a word; in brief

总计 zǒng jì (grand) total

纵观 zòng guān to survey comprehensively; an overall survey

纵横交错 zòng héng jiāo cuò criss-crossed (idiom)

纵然 zòng rán even if; even though

纵容 zòng róng to indulge; to connive at

纵深 zòng shēn depth (from front to rear); depth (into a territory); span (of time); (fig.) depth (of deployment, progress, development etc)

粽子 zòng zi glutinous rice and choice of filling wrapped in leaves and boiled

走过场 zǒu guò chǎng to go through the motions

走后门 zǒu hòu mén lit. to enter by the back door; fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels; back door or under the counter connections

走近 zǒu jìn to approach; to draw near to

走廊 zǒu láng corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; veranda

走投无路 zǒu tóu wú lù to be at an impasse (idiom); in a tight spot; at the end of one's rope; desperate

走弯路 zǒu wān lù to take an indirect route; to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method

奏效 zòu xiào to show results; effective

zòu to beat up; to break to pieces

租赁 zū lìn to rent; to lease; to hire

足迹 zú jì footprint; track; spoor

足智多谋 zú zhì duō móu resourceful; full of stratagems

阻挡 zǔ dǎng to stop; to resist; to obstruct

阻拦 zǔ lán to stop; to obstruct

阻力 zǔ lì resistance; drag

阻挠 zǔ náo to thwart; to obstruct (sth)

组建 zǔ jiàn to organize; to set up; to establish

组装 zǔ zhuāng to assemble and install

祖传 zǔ chuán passed on from ancestors; handed down from generation to generation

祖籍 zǔ jí ancestral hometown; original domicile (and civil registration)

祖先 zǔ xiān ancestor; forebears

祖宗 zǔ zōng ancestor; forebear

钻空子 zuān kòng zi lit. to drill a hole; to take advantage of a loophole; to exploit an advantage; to seize the opportunity (esp. to do sth bad)

钻研 zuān yán to study meticulously; to delve into

钻石 zuàn shí diamond; Classifiers: 颗

嘴唇 zuǐ chún lip; Classifiers: 片

罪犯 zuì fàn criminal

罪魁祸首 zuì kuí huò shǒu criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit; fig. main cause of a disaster

尊贵 zūn guì respected; respectable; honorable

尊严 zūn yán dignity; sanctity; honor; majesty

遵循 zūn xún to follow; to abide by; to comply with; compliance

遵照 zūn zhào in accordance with; to follow (the rules)

琢磨 zhuó mó to carve and polish (jade); to polish and refine a literary work

左顾右盼 zuǒ gù yòu pàn glancing to left and right (idiom); to look all around

佐料 zuǒ liào condiments; seasoning

作弊 zuò bì to practice fraud; to cheat; to engage in corrupt practices

作对 zuò duì to set oneself against; to oppose; to make a pair

作风 zuò fēng style; style of work; way

作客 zuò kè to live somewhere as a visitor; to stay with sb as a guest; to sojourn

作物 zuò wù crop

坐落 zuò luò to be situated; to be located (of a building)

座谈 zuò tán to have an informal discussion; Classifiers: 次

座右铭 zuò yòu míng motto; maxim

做生意 zuò shēng yì to do business

zuò to do; to make; to produce; to write; to compose; to act as; to engage in; to hold (a party); to be; to become; to function (in some capacity); to serve as; to be used for; to form (a bond or relationship); to pretend; to feign; to act a part; to put on appearance

zhèng to admonish; variant of 证 ; certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症





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